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November 26, 2003

That's sad

From tvguide.com - [TV Guide]

This is sort of random, but if you read this article you'll find that actor Jonathan Brandis killed himself a few days ago. You might remember him from Seaquest DSV...and the Neverending Story 2 wink He was one of my first crushes, and I liked his show as well. Probably because he played a brainiac. He was only 27. Hadn't heard much from him in recent years, so I wonder if that's why...but it's sad to find out someone you really liked didn't like life enough to continue...hmm.

In the good news category, tickets for the midnight premiere of RotK are on sale today, so I'll see if I can make it by the box office...or someone can...hint, hint wink

file under: serious

Happy Birthday, Mom

Well, my mom is officially 50. I wish I could have gotten on yesterday and posted, but y'all knew already, right? I spent yesterday with her. Whee! It's good when your parents love you. She seemed happy with my gifts, which makes me happy, and we had some wonderful food, including this really good chocolate mousse cake with funky ruffled chocolate on top. Mmm. So,

Happy 50th, Mom!

a little late.

It's my MyPoints anniversary today...I like this thing because you literally check your email and they give you points. You never have to buy a thing. Of course, it takes a lot longer to save for anything, but I'm waiting for my $50 gift certificate...check it out, and if you decide to sign up, tell 'em JLSHEW sent ya. wink

The Haunted Mansion and Timeline come out today, both of which I want to see and neither of which I'm likely to see until after thanksgiving. Ah well. I have so much to do tonight...clean the bathroom, take out the trash, dishes, pack for the trip...sigh. When am I gonna watch my shows? lol. Yes, I know I'm obsessed. Although not quite as obsessed as I am about LotR. The official soundtrack site was finally updated so I bought my Internet-only special edition...I can't wait! I've heard clips and it sounds wonderful.

Got the Matrix Revolutions soundtrack and Sarah McLachlan's new cd...I'll let you know if I like them.

I can't wait for Pirates on dvd! I'll have to find out how much it's selling for...I'd like to have it on 'the day' if possible wink If you find good prices let me know!

Yay for holiday breaks. I'm so happy. Whee turkey!

file under: celebration , reallife

November 24, 2003

TTT EE and other random goodies

So I've finally seen the Two Towers Extended Edition. Whee! It's fun seeing the extra stuff in there just for the fans. I can see why some of it was cut out, but on the whole it seemed a nicer cut. Maybe it's just me and the little bit more Legolas that we get. Mmm, wet elf...I did notice that the EE seemed to have a little bit more violence in it than the original. This is a good thing or a bad thing depending on your point of view...I guess for me it fell in the not-really-necessary part, but hey, that's just me. I guess I still have some gripes about the editing in the original parts that was conserved into this edition, but who am I to nitpick...I'm not an editor!

I did find out that there'll be a RotK midnight screening at Esquire so I'm happy about that. Can't wait till they actually start selling tickets...

Newsweek article about RotK

And now, page 7...

Today was the fifth and last day for swimming the rats. 6 hours today. Yahoo. Mostly because all I do when looking out for the rats while they're swimming is read (and write some snippets of Moonstone) I've finished three books in four days. I'll admit that some of them were rather short, but still...I read Timeline (in honor of the movie coming out) and Angels and Demons (the first book featuring the protagonist of the Da Vinci Code) and To Catch a Wolf (which was the short one). Whee! And now I'm on Anne Rice's Blackwood Farm, which is a little odd, because the last AR book I read was Queen of the Damned when I was in college. So obviously there's a ton of backstory that I'm missing. Ah well.

And in case you didn't know, my mother's 50th birthday is tomorrow. Now, you can't call her 50 yet...she's still got five hours left! Feel free to send a card smile

file under: lordoftherings

November 19, 2003

Allergies suck

I guess it was from being in the animal house yesterday working with the rats, but I was alllergic to something I encountered yesterday. My eyes are all swollen and I have the occasionally runny nose. It was really bad before I tried to sleep last night...even went to bed early but I think I got less sleep than I normally do because it hurt even when I closed my eyes. Yeah. That sandpaper feeling? Right here. And now I know how John Rhys-Davies felt with that prosthetic makeup hurting his facial skin...the skin around my eyes is all tender. I don't know why, if this current attack is from working with the rats, it hasn't come up before this. I mean, I've worked with the rats for longer times than yesterday...although I did have to do it twice...maybe it was because it was hot in there? Eh. I dunno. I probably shouldn't have driven to work today. And actually Pablo, the dude I'm working with (running the experiment, natch) isn't here, cause he's got the same thing I do only worse, I suppose. Rats. In any sense of the word.

I can't believe I didn't mark the one-month countdown to RotK when it happened two days ago. Exciting, no? I'm still worried about getting tickets to *some* midnight premiere. I wonder when the Esquire will get their act together and start selling tickets! As I recall they weren't sure about a midnight premiere until around a week beforehand...I sure would like to know before then this time. Silly I know, but I would love to see all three of the movies in the same theater at the same kind of premiere...

The song for the RotK credits sounds pretty good. It's called Into the West and it's sung by Annie Lennox. Which originally sounded odd to me, but I really like some of her stuff and this particular song seems to fit really well. I'd love to get the soundtrack right now...I'll probably wait until I can get the special edition or even the internet special edition, if lordoftherings-soundtrack.com would ever get updated. Silly people. I want my stuff!

Posted this at the other blog, but it's a taste of what I'd love to work on...Dr. Koop-Healing Your Own Heart Valves

file under: lordoftherings , working

November 14, 2003

Chalk this one up to life experience

Get ready, this is gonna be a long one.

Early thursday morning (around 1 am) I was mugged (technical term: strongarmed) right outside my apartment. I had just gotten out of my car which was parked a little farther away from the building than I liked. I sat in the car for a bit after I parked because I had picked stuff up from my parents' house and had to gather it out of the passenger seat. When I got out and shut the door, I heard leaves rustling and looked towards the other side of the street, where a black man had just come out between two cars. I thought he was just going to a car, but started getting my key to the apartment ready in any case. I was wearing gloves which made it a little more difficult, and a hat which might have been why I didn't hear him cross the street until he was right behind me.

He grabbed me from behind and I (in total disbelief that he actually did it) started screaming-loudly. Somehow he pushed me to the ground as he tried to shut me up, and kept saying, 'where's the money, where's the money.' At one point he forced my chin up so I couldn't open my mouth (and nearly couldn't breathe) but I guess I moved enough that he pushed me onto my back. I tried biting his hand but I don't know if I actually got anything...but it got him angry enough that he pushed me down...and left my legs free. So I kicked him in the head. Or at least something in that general vicinity wink Now while this sounds wonderful, it made him mad so he clocked me just above my ear. This understandably slowed me down!

Luckily by this time some neighbors had heard me screaming and called the police. A guy who lives across the street came out with a baseball bat when he determined that it really was a mugging (as opposed to just a friendly wrestling match, which I totally understand) and the guy ran off. I curled up on the concrete for a short time just to make sure I was ok...realized the guy broke my glasses, which pissed me off. A girl who lived in my building had heard the commotion but didn't (understandably) want to come out, in her pjs, alone, against a rather bigger man. She didn't have shoes on, and I remember telling her to get off the concrete and realizing I was still lying on same. The police came very quickly after that, and I gave a report, and the policeman walked me back to the apartment. I called my parents and told them the news...they took it pretty well, all things considered. Then I called Leo and Alex and asked them to come over from Alex's because I didn't want to be alone that night. Realize that it was close to 2 am by that time. Thank you guys for abusing your sleep time for me wink

Now for the ever-growing experiment in irony that is my life...

Bear with me, these get long, but they do have points.

Irony #1: The day had been very windy, windy enough that the power went out at the apartment. The main reason I had stopped by my parents' place was that I had to drop off a book I'd just finished (remember Quicksilver?) that was two days overdue. Because of the aforementioned power outage, I had to read the last thirty pages by candle- and flashlight, making me late for home and later returning to the apartment. Now, I know I've mentioned how loquatious Mr. Stephenson is...the book is 900+ pages and has a good heft...I actually weighed it: 5+ pounds. It was too big to fit in my bag, so I had been carrying it from my car to work and vice versa, always thinking that if anyone did try to jump me I'd have a ready weapon to bash their head in. So of course when I did get jumped, I had just returned the book. Sigh.

Irony #2: Earlier in the day I had gone home to be there when my Josh Groban cd arrived (see previous entry), enjoyed it, and had it in the cd player in my car. I got it out of the player when I got back to my apartment (which was part of the reason I was in the car so long...I suspect the guy saw me sitting in the car getting stuff and assumed I had something of value, which I guess I did, but...more on that later) and had it and a flyer and a pair of jeans I'd left at home in my hand. Now if you know me you know that I have only a few of the characteristics of my zodiac sign, Virgo, one of them being a slight analness about little things, like spine-cracking on books and scratches on cds. Well, obviously, the cd got scratched in the scuffle. It looked worse than it was at first, as the cd seems to play just fine in all my players. But still. 12 hours before it had been pristine...point being that I'd had it for such a short time and it was already messed up, and it was just the sort of cd I didn't want messed up. I stepped on my Two Towers soundtrack last year (on the way to a Two Towers screening--how's that for irony, eh?) when I was so desperately trying to keep it nice...and here goes another cd. Meh.

Random bits: I was a bit embarrassed because I could have easily sprinted to my apartment, being a track star, don't you know. But then I think that even if I'd made it to the door, I'd still have to unlock it, and that takes time, most likely enough that the guy would have caught me anyway. I was worried at one point afterwards that he had taken my wallet, but it turned out to just have fallen out of my pocket, and I remember thinking (when I thought it was lost) 'aw man, there goes that cute new wallet (I'd only had it a few months)' and then I was like, 'aw crap, I have to get a new driver's lisence, debit card,' &c. And you know that thing about just giving them the money...I didn't even think about that, and I know it would have galled me to do so, so I suppose it's for the best that it fell out wink I didn't know that I could scream so high or so loud...guess those years of choir helped me out...and now I know what it feels like to be punched, or elbowed, or whatever it was he delivered to my head. It didn't really hurt that much, to be honest, it was just suprising, another thing to add to the list of 'I can't believe this is happening.'

I spent yesterday getting new glasses (and to be honest about that, I'm not sure if I broke them or he broke them, all I know is that they somehow ended up in my hands with one earpiece bent totally to the side and both lenses out) which left me a couple hundred dollars poorer and slightly weirded out, because it's been at least six years since I had a new frame. It takes some getting used to, you know, different frame color and different shape to the lenses...Of course, even though I went to Lenscrafter's which boasts 'Glasses in about an hour' they didn't have my power of lens so it took rather longer than that. I had entertained the idea of going into work for a little bit but I didn't have to, and I ended up back at my parents' house sleeping in a chair in the living room. Needless to say I was a little tired after that!

I've got one of those alarms that you pull to make a really loud noise on my keychain now, and you can be sure I'll have my keys ready when I get out of the car. Who knows if the guy will ever be caught, but I hope I did get him in the head and I hope he has a lump somewhere on his noggin too. I still can't believe it happened, to me...I mean, it's almost funny. And all the what-ifs and 'if I had done this, would it have been better'...I keep thinking about it, but you know what? I'm not going to let it bother me. I'm gonna get on with life. The apartment is too nice to give up (and I really don't want to break my lease), and honestly, it didn't even occur to me to get out of the area. I like it and don't want this incident to ruin that. Ah well. Three cheers to Girl Scouts and all the people who showed me how to defend myself. I'm rather proud I prevailed...and the guy didn't even accomplish his objective. So I'll learn from this, and pass my knowledge onto you (and if you've read this far I commend you)...Look around you, especially late at night. Give them the money (if you can remember where you put it), have your keys ready. Run like hell if terrain and circumstances allow it. Try to remember everything you can about the attacker. Got that? Good.

Thanks for caring. Feel free to make me feel better by utilizing the links to my wishlists wink

file under: reallife , serious

November 12, 2003

so are you to me

So begins my second song titled post. This song was played at the end of Tarzan last week. You laugh. I happen to like Tarzan, thank you very much. How could you not like Travis Fimmel?

\\as the music at the banquet

as the wine before the meal

as the firelight in the night

so are you to me

as the ruby in the setting

as the fruit upon the tree

as the wind blows over the plain

so are you to me

Check out the song at eastmountainsouth. You might like it. Wish I had someone to sing that to.

file under: music


Josh Groban has the greatest voice. wow. I finally got his new cd today...had to leave work and stick around the apartment around lunch time so I could sign for the package, due to the fact that we don't have a publically accessible entryway to the apartment. Who knew they were going to send it Airborne Express? sigh. It came yesterday just as it was supposed to but of course the guy couldn't leave it outside. So now I have the address for work and if I get anything else like that I can have it there. Or keep sending it to my parents...see, there's something to be said for living near the folks. Unfortunately they couldn't reroute the cd to work or parents without delaying it because both those places are in separarate office areas...phoo. Anyway, got it and am happy. Although it's a little odd listening to JG's cover of Linkin Park's My December.

I think my favorite, aside from the aforementioned Oceano is Remember When it Rained, very pretty stuff. He plays the piano on that one...and wouldn't you know it, I'm thinking about getting a keyboard. Mom thinks we should sell the old upright piano at home (since it's taking up space and I'm not there to play it, and there's no way we could get it up to the apartment without wildly whacking it out of tune) and using that money to buy a keyboard. Hmm. Perhaps. Keyboards just aren't the same, though. Ah well. See the thing is, if I had a keyboard it would be a lot easier to just mess around on than this guitar...are you sick of me talking about how I'm going to learn guitar someday? I swear I will sometime.

And a happy birthday to Craig Parker (Haldir in the LotR movies). He's 33.

I have to figure out what to get my mother for her 50th birthday. Any suggestions? Please comment.

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file under: music

November 10, 2003

Disturbing trend

Save Tarzan!The WB has a disturbing trend of cancelling shows that I like, or hoisting them off onto different networks, vis-a-vis Roswell and Buffy respectively. While Angel and Smallville have faced this problem and survived, the current show on the cutting block is Tarzan, which is arguably my favorite new show of the season. Now, the slightly weird folks at the WB decided to put it on Sunday nights across from Alias. I tape Alias and watch Tarzan because we only get ABC when the signal runs through the vcr...because I like both shows. Of course, because of its bad placement and typical new-show uncertainty, Tarzan is in danger of being cancelled...they're going to air the November episodes and, depending on ratings, may cancel the half-season run before the show has had a chance. So go vote for Tarzan, even if you don't particularly care about it, and make me happy. Visit a link through the button above to learn more about how you can help save the show. The WB has to stop making good shows and then not giving them a chance.

btw, Alias was a little creepy last night. But still good...however due to wacky football scheduling my tv viewing was messed up last night so I ended up watching Alias at 11 pm. So I didn't get to watch Tarzan...but rest assured I will wink It would be so nice if a show I really liked didn't have this problem. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

file under: rants

November 6, 2003

From the future to the past

Troyaka seeing Matrix Revolutions last night to the trailer of Troy that came before it...which of course takes place centuries before the Matrix wink The Troy trailer looked pretty cool (watch it here), and of course I was absurdly pleased to see Orlando on the big screen again. I think it will be a pretty exciting movie, and I'll try to read the Iliad (or at least part of it, anyway) before then, cause you know me, I love to read the book first. We'll see if I can make it through classical literature, what with it taking me an absurdly long time to read Quicksilver. Ah for the days when I could read 50 or 100 pages an hour, depending on the book and various other factors. Don't get me wrong, I can read very fast when I want to, and believe me, I want to. It's just that this book actually makes you think. Go fig.

Peter PanAnd have you heard about the new Peter Pan movie? Could be cool too. Also one of the classics that I've never read and I really should. Thank goodness for the internet where you can read just about any classic piece of literature online...but you can also watch neat little trailers like this.

And I guess you were thinking I might delve into the mystery that is the Matrix? Well, I can definitely say one thing. That movie exhausted me. I guess I'm really susceptible to musical cues, but there was a good twenty minutes in the middle of the movie where I was seriously having to remind myself to breathe. It just keeps going. I guess I have to say that the ending wasn't quite what I expected...it didn't seem to summarize very well. Keanu still looks pretty cool in black, some things happened which I had deduced from the trailer, some really gross moments, some pretty heartfelt moments (some of which were too corny for words; action movies should stick to action and not emotion). I'm very glad I watched the previous movies right before I saw this one...I pity the person who has not seen the second movie or you'd miss a lot of things. Some of the imagery was great. I suppose the special effets were pretty good and the fight scenes were pretty extrordinary...I did keep thinking this is definitely not as good as RotK is going to be...

Oh, and apparently Orlando is set to star in another movie which is, once again, like nothing he's ever done. Whoo, I think...and check out this interesting picture from the upcoming King Arthur movie with Kiera Knightley...bit of a switch from her previous engagement, eh?

A bit odd when I'm more excited about the trailers before the feature presentation. Ah well. You should always have something to look forward to.

file under: movies , orlando

November 5, 2003

Thought for the day

Leaping Cougar

Leaping Cougar

Buy this Poster at AllPosters.com

Courage is the ability to make a leap beyond the familiar.

file under:

Omnio fieri possent

Whichever language that is...probably latin, but regardless....it means 'anything may happen,' which is a really cool sentiment for today. Let's hope that the experiment I'm doing works out alright and I make it in time for dinner before Matrix Revolutions. Yes, it's another movie premiere! Whoo! It should be exciting smile Not quite as exciting as December 17th will be, but you get the idea. Thank goodness for dvds. I love knowing what happened before. I understand, kemosabe! er.

The Matrix - Matrix, The - Revolutions, Teaser  ( Poster )

file under: movies

November 3, 2003

and he's an artist too...

Click here to see samples of Orlando Bloom's prowess with a camera phone wink Too bad I don't have a good camera or a camera phone...course, the camera phone necessitates a phone in the first place, which I still don't have. One of these days, after a new computer and several road trips maybe I will get one.

btw, Billy Boyd also participated in this fundraiser. Check his out too. I'm rather suprised at the artisticness of some of the photos, given the slightly skeevy method of point-and-click phone-cam shooting.

I wonder if my Orlando obsession will last as long as my Ricky Martin obsession. It can't be longer simply because I am still slightly enamoured of the latin heartthrob singer, but my Orlando love is quite a bit stronger at the moment. And besides, Orli is making really cool looking movies right now. :wpog:

file under: art , lordoftherings , orlando