Part Ten - The Revalir (The Awakening)

Author's note: This takes place the day after the trip to the fortunetellers. Liz knows she and Max can be happy, and more. Future Max never showed, for there is no need for Tess - there is another who can take her place...


"Liz, I have to talk to you." I stood in front of her, determined not to move until she agreed.

"Okay." This was a surprise. I gaped at her for a moment, not expecting her easy accord.

Abruptly I blushed. Tonight was the night I'd hired the mariachi band to serenade her. I'd spent my free period writing and re-writing the lyrics Mr. Delgado had given me to make sure that I had them memorized. I was almost embarassed to do this for Liz, but I was sure I'd need something cheesy just to make her laugh. Now, however...

"Max?" Liz gave me a questioning look as her locker clanged shut. I shook my head and focused on her face. Her beautiful face, that I saw every night in my dreams.

"You really mean that, Liz? We can have a long talk? You won't push me away?" I asked, still disbelieving.

"Of course I mean it! Were you this insecure as a king?" Her eyes sparkled and I was rewarded with a laughing smile. She reached a hand to my face. "I'm joking. You were a wonderful king." She looked a little confused as she said that, then blinked and said, "I mean, you must have been. I don't know why I said that. But Max, of course I will talk with you. There's something I have to tell you, too." A mischievious glint came into her eyes. For some reason that excited me greatly.

"Tonight? Can I see you tonight?" So I would have been going anyway, but to finally get her to talk, no time was too soon.

"Tonight, unless you want to try the eraser room..." At my astonished glance, she laughed again, and said, "Unfortunately, sir, I have to get to class and so do you. We can make our own eraser room later." She touched my lips with a finger before I could make an incredulous response, and turned and ran down the hallway, leaving me standing, shocked, for a moment. I couldn't believe she had said those words... and then I remembered I had to get to class. We both had surprises coming.


"I, Liz Parker, take Max Evans to be my wedded husband... wow, that's too weird." Liz smiled and laughed at herself. I can't wait to tell him, Liz thought. Well, she didn't exactly say we'd get married, but that I would not be left wanting... Liz blushed. I hope this is what he wants to hear.I won't push him away any more. I -we- deserve to be happy. She turned from the mirror and replaced the lacy bedspread at the foot of her bed.

Where is he? she wondered. Tonight, he said, and he really seemed to want to come. Maybe he chickened out? Sheesh, it's almost tomorrow, she thought as she glanced toward her bedside clock. She had finished her homework hours ago, in anticipation of going out. She could barely sit still durning dinner, and at her parents' questioning, she blushed furiously and said that Max might come by. Her dad raised an eyebrow and her mom smiled indulgently. There must be something special about Max that she would play so hard to get, thought Jeff.

'Are you punishing him for something, honey? Did you two have a fight? Because I've never seen a guy so dead set on getting a girl back. Except maybe me after your mother,' Jeff said, winking at Nancy, who smiled back.

'We didn't fight, exactly. More like a misunderstanding. He thought he was supposed to do something else with his life that would inconvenience me and I thought he was right at first. Now I think we're back on the same track,' Liz said, blushing. No way was she going to tell her parents she would "not be left wanting."

Suddenly she heard the strains of vaguely familiar maraiachi music coming from outside. She hurried to the patio and looked over the balustrade.

To her surprise, Max looked out from underneath a large sombrero and started singing. Liz blushed furiously for the second time that night, alternately embarassed and proud that she had such a wonderful boyfriend who would do such a cheesy thing. In the middle of his song, he tossed a bouquet of red rosed up at her, using his powers to change them, midair, to the white she preferred.

Liz caught the roses and inhaled deeply. They smelled like real roses, just taken from the bush. She found the somewhat large card attached to the bouquet, but before she could open the envelope, her dad came out onto the balcony. "Is that Max again? Max, it's eleven o'clock at night, and tomorrow's a school day."

Max just looked up at Liz, smiled, and led the band down the alleyway. Jeff smiled indulgently, then patted Liz on the shoulder. "He really seems to want to be with you, hon. He's a good boy. I hope you two work it out. I hate seeing my baby unhappy."

Liz drew in the scent of the roses again. "I think it's going to work out, Dad. Thanks. Good night," she said as she followed him back into her room and closed the door after him.


Liz sat on her bed, about to open the envelope. She wondered that Max had gotten such a big card. But when she took it out, she discovered that the card was blank but for three words on the front’Ķ I love you. Two tickets were taped to the inside along with a note. She yelped in amazement when she saw the word GOMEZ under EVENT.

Hope you liked the show, Liz, but I think this one might be better. I'll pick you up at 5:30 on Friday. I think you know this, but I love you. --Max

Liz leaned back among her pillows and pulled the sheets over her. She reached over to her nightstand and plucked a rose from the bouquet and breathed in the scent. Then she placed the rose on the pillow next to her, and fell into a dreamless sleep.


I woke up the next morning much earlier than I would have liked, but I couldn't help it. I was too excited. Even though it wasn't the day of the concert’Ķ one more day’Ķ I couldn't contain myself. I would see Liz today, and she wouldn't push me away. I could kiss her, like I had in my dreams. I could tell her that I knew she was my soulmate, that somehow she had followed me through time and space to be with me, and all we had to do was believe.

I believe. I remember things now. I remember how I felt when I first saw Zaria. I remember being a king, and I remember being in love. It has to be true. I could not want Liz as much as I wanted Zaria in that other life unless Liz and Zaria were somehow the same. I didn't know how it could be, but I didn't know how I could even exist. I mean, I'm a hybrid. Not of this Earth. Surely somehow my soulmate could have followed me.

I wouldn't see Liz today because of block scheduling, but I vowed to find her at least once during passing time. I was still a little embarassed that I had serenaded her last night. When I had called the band, the rep said that their lead singer would be out of town, but when they heard why I wanted to hire them, the rep suggested that I do it. He siad I should try Tres Dias and to talk to Mr. Delgado about the lyrics. I was almost glad when Liz's dad came out. I could hardly keep from laughing.

 Liz was a no show at lunch, but I found her in the library after fifth period, studying for some test even though she'd no doubt already memorized all the material. I stood behind a bookshelf and stared at her for a while, remembering how Ms. Topolsky had told me to stop hiding behind trees. Liz looked up at my stifled giggle, but I ducked beneath the level of the books, and then snuck up behind her.


"Hey there, beautiful," I whispered at her ear. She jumped in her chair, then smiled at my closeness. "How can you be studying at a time like this, Liz? I can barely walk straight, for thinking of you," I said as I pulled her into the shelves.

"Hey, I'm just trying to be practical. If we're going to have a heart-to-heart tonight, I can't study for the test on Friday, now can I? Just because you can't think straight doesn't mean I'm letting my--" she sighed as I kissed her neck--"my feelings get the best of me." She chuckled softly against my mouth. She didn't, or rather couldn't, say anything for a while.

"Seriously, you arrogant king," she said laughingly, pushing me back, "this particular subject isn't going to think about you until precisely 2:45 pm, in which case I will meet you outside by the track. I'm not about to let some boy ruin my chances at scholarships," she said, grinning. "Now get going, or you'll be late for class. Laughing, she pushed me toward the doors just as the first bell rang.


I really don't know how I got through the next two periods. The second the last bell rang, I was on my feet, rushing toward the parking lot, starting the Jeep from a hundred meters away, heedless of who might see me wave the door open. I did manage not to peel rubber as I practically raced to the track.

Liz stood at the fence, watching the athletes warm up for practice, her hair rippling in the breeze. "Liz," I whispered, almost not surprised when she turned. She smiled, a breath-taking, genuinely happy smile, and ran to the Jeep. I waved the door open, saying, "Your chariot, my lady."

 She vaulted into the compartment, Kaskias' light bathing her face as the shielding fog began to lift. I could not see her face under the drykaan helm, but I felt her smile. "Driven by the Zitan, no less. I could not be safer."


I shook my head, not quite ready to tell Liz about my past life. "It's nothing; it can wait till later. I was thinking we might go to the pod cave. No one would know where we are, we couldn't be interrupted."

"As you wish, milord." She chuckled michieviously as she climbed into the jeep. "I am your loyal subject."

I'm sure I broke several laws on the mad rush to the cave. Thank God no police cars were around. Before I knew it, we were there, and Liz was pulling a blanket from the backseat. "In case we get tired of standing," she winked at me.

We started to climb towards the cave, Liz behind me so I could help her over the rocks. About halfway there, she slipped a little, and I immediately grabbed her arm.

A purple sky, lit by two moons, the violet waters of the Bris rushing under the bridge we crossed, barely ahead of the disappating mists’Ķ

"Max, you're doing it again. What's wrong? You just went all spacey on me, no pun intended." Liz's voice once again broke through the flash.

"It's’Ķ you're sending me flashes. C'mon, we have to get to the pod chamber. We'll talk about it there." I found her hand, thankful that no flash occurred’Ķ we'd never get to the cave otherwise!


Liz stood at the entrance to the cave, watching Max open it with his powers. The last time she was here, she had seen the message from Max's mother, and realized he would be better off without her, and with Tess. She closed her eyes for a long moment, remembering the pain of walking away from him. But everything had changed, now. She allowed herself a private smile as she thought of what was to come. She took the hand Max offered as the cave opened, and nearly dissolved into a whimpering puddle as she saw the intense look in his dark eyes. Not left wanting, indeed.

 The cave was filled with a soft blue light, shining through the pods from the Granolith beyond. As she stepped into the cave, the light pulsed brighter, almost in welcome, Liz fancied. Along with her almost unbearable anticipation of what was to happen, she felt a sort of homecoming. Which was odd, because it wasn't like she was an alien.

Even the cave thinks we're soulmates, Liz thought happily.

Max led her back to the pods, and through them, following the path of the communicator that Isabel had thrown. Liz fingered the papery strands of dried amnion, all that was left of whatever technology had managed to keep Max and his podmates safe for fifty years. She caught echoes of Max's memories of leaving the pods, fragmented in the absence of his touch. At the end of the pod tunnel, Max reached for her--

And she emerged into the king's chambers, amid the rubble of the secret entrance, sealed no longer under the influence of spurious love. She was home, home, soon to be in the arms of her beloved--

Liz blinked. The sense of homecoming was amplified as she moved into the Granolith chamber, dˆ©jˆÝ vu leaving her senses reeling. There was no way she could have experienced that memory; she knew she was human, had never been in the chamber before; these had to be someone else's memories.

"Liz? I need you to come over here." Max beckoned her to the cone of the Granolith and took her hand, placing it on the smooth crystal. He covered hers with his own, and smiled at her with those eyes that always made her melt.

"What are you doing, Max? I thought we were going to talk."

"You’Ķyou can't feel it? The power in this place? You don't remember?" Max looked at her incredulously, knowing that they had shared their dreams.

"Remember what, Max? This is part of your history, not mine’Ķis this part of what you need to tell me?" She stared at Max, her throat constricting as she saw the sadness gathering in his eyes. "Max, what is it? What--"

Max grabbed her face in his hands. "Liz, you must remember."

And so saying, he dragged her into a connection. Into it he poured all of his love for her and his absolute surety that they were meant to be together. He showed her the dreams, the memories, finding the deeply buried tatter of the past she carried inside. Elated, he coaxed it into life, feeding the tiny blue core he had seen in dreams. He watched her awaken to his touch, making her feel the power of his love for her and her love for him, powerful enough that it reached across lifetimes and galaxies. The ground seemed to shift beneath them, the room spinning, until they were drawn apart. But no force could break the connection. Liz found herself on her knees, a hand on the conical crystal, unable to move. Max stared at her from the other side, his face wavering in the swirling glow within the Granolith.

Do you remember, Liz? I need you to know what you were. What you will be, again.

 She started to reply, not realizing Max was speaking only in her mind. She squeezed her eyes shut, reeling from the battery of love thrown at her.

Liz’ĶZaria. I know you remember.

It seemed she heard two different voices say those words, and suddenly the feeling of dˆ©jˆÝ vu became so strong she was snapped into the memory of the dream, the first, most intense dream, the one where she was changed’Ķ

And opened her eyes, seeing the glowing aura about Max as she knew she would. Yes, she thought, yes, I remember. M'alia, I remember. She closed her eyes for a moment, feeling the power gathered in the room, accepting whatever would come. Yes.



I knew the moment Liz remembered. I knew the moment she knew that our destinies were entwined, and I knew when she accepted. In this reality there was no pain while touching the barrier, for I was only waiting for her word. Without conscious design I let loose the power I'd held in check, directing it through the Granolith towards my soulmate. I didn't know what would happen, but I knew that dream, and I let destiny take its course.

The glow swirled through the Granolith, sending beams of multi-colored light shooting around the chamber. Liz threw her head back as the glow brightened, and for one breathless moment, all was still. Then, with a burst of power that ripped my hand from the crystal and punched me back to the chamber wall, it rushed into Liz.

I shook my head, thinking that the glow in her eyes was simply a reflection of the Granolith. Then I realized that there was no light, at least not from the Granolith. Liz's eyes were glowing--with her power.


She opened her eyes, and realized everything was utterly different. It was dark, and she couldn't see Max anywhere. She couldn't see anything anywhere. "Max?" she said tentatively.

"I'm here, Liz." She moved toward his voice, needing to touch him. She reached out a hand, and encountered the solid wall of his chest. He placed a hand on top of hers, and the moment they met, the world was filled with stars. The world was stars. Above them, around them, underneath them. There was no floor; they were floating among millions of pinpricks of light, both of them feeling more at home than they ever had.

"Oh, Max, it's so beautiful." Liz looked around in awe, then finally settled on his face. He was smiling back at her, the starlight reflected in his eyes. "How do you feel, Liz? Any change?" he asked, his mouth quirking upwards.

"Change? Yeah, big change. As in I remember more than just flashes. I remember you, as you were. I remember myself. We performed the reven-daai in that other life, and we started the revalir in that dream. And here, we finished it."

Max nodded, then reached a hand to her face. "We were always destined for each other. No one can change that. No one. Whatever happened in that other life, however we were forced to be apart, this is now, and we will always be together."


I couldn't believe it had actually happened. In reality, not in dreams, I had shown Liz the path to her powers, and awoken my soulmate. In the language of that other life it was the revalir--the awakening.

I could tell you about the journey we took then, the journey through our memories. I could tell you how she got here, how she possessed the same brilliant scientific mind as she does now, and how she worked with the scientists that were still loyal to my rule even after my death. How they had studied the stars and determined the dimensions similar to our own, and the quantum physics that I don’Äôt completely understand. Something about superstrings and eleven dimensions of space, so while the royals were sent, seemingly to a random planet, only to crash here on earth, her essence was relayed, alone but for a shapeshifter protector, in a separate dimension while we incubated for fifty years. In her dimension, she traveled only an instant. And on a night after a party for the newly married Parker couple, the protector transferred her essence to the tiny life that had begun. And how the alien part of her was buried under the human because she was carried as a human.

I could tell you all of that. But I could also tell you how we touched, how every time we kissed a new memory was yielded to  us. I could tell you how I made trails of light glow against her skin and how she delighted in doing the same, now that her powers were unlocked. I could tell you how we both had t remember how to be human, after the developments of the past days.

I could tell you all that and more. But I think I’Äôll let you use your imagination.