Moonstone wordes Mont Balru Alia Montrachet Onlie meta daie Union of Sadenach Kikurs Crag calia arronche, ordache Corrachas Accords. ban on magic Coronel. the sword, means lit. "crowned one" or "king" Andwele (water) majela (royal) nesza faize za=don't do it Mont Tracheurs Cuili darreni Yal t'en faili Ran, oblida ilya falloir breccia anarae=sister, inarie=brother Lalia avare artoure Iuesus [lal-E-a a-VAR ar-TOR aye-YOU-sus]. Gods be with you (lit. You have around you Gods.) cararretté(lit. word-stop, aka don't speak [of your troubles]=don't worry baranté=bon appetit lit. good repast behrarin, behrain =boyfriend; behra=girlfriend (familiar; lit. my heart=lover) avalé=another time (lit. until again) cavaret=spell book revalanh [rev-A-lann] =power Etol (light) i'amani (in places) na'rin (dark=black sky?)=a light in dark places; "etol" also word for star- a light in the dark sky. So etoiline=star warrior is warrior of the stars (iline=warrior) is warrior of light in dark places Arro aldea d'allin behrarin-I desire to have a boyfriend (lover) i' =in a' =of (a'etol [a-EH-tol]=of the stars) d' =to e=and terren atha tuo? Reviré de sui.=where are you? come back(return) to us. terrenar tuo?= where will you go aur=go, aura=will go (arro aura), auré=he/she/it goes ce'rin=good night; ce'bri=good day, morning; ce'mir=good afternoon ce'arra=goodbye (arra=bye) arro tu'essa=I miss you, arro essar=I will miss (you) arro t'marra=I love you (arro marra tuo) arro t'marrar, quoro=I will love you forever caldir=secret (for/caldir, u:lauriel, p:secret) eltirae, eltiror=elf-friend ir, ar, or=he, she, it (neut) (Ish, Esh, Ash???) cer revelaur=power source (Natali) toren=water. toren'na'rin=dark waters. Kurrset, kurrset! Icara Echri! Kurrset vica=wolf! wolf! Call the wizard! a wolf comes! (not car'etol, like dwarvish?