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It's all about the ears

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I've jumped on the clique wagon and created my own.
This clique is not strictly for Legolas lovers, although I full-heartedly welcome you. This is a clique for elf lovers of any sort. Why do I love elves? I think it's the ears. The pointy, fairy-like ears have always caught my fancy, and I've always wanted them. I was jealous of a friend in high school who had them.
If you are a fan of Legolas, Gael Baudino's Varden or Mirya, or even elfin characters like David Eddings' Aphrael, you've come to the right place. But being as there are no pictures of other elves than Legolas (an he's my current obsession), that will be the theme for now.
So you think you've come to the right place? Read the rules and join!