
My current mood at I may not have much time. Actually I have no time. I have no life either, but that's because I'm a real-life working gal, finally out of college. Hard to believe, but I am out of school, if not forever, for a really long time. but I felt I had to show my appreciation for one of the best shows that ever showed on television: *Roswell.* Screw TPTB for cancelling it just when it was getting good.

In case you didn't know, Roswell was the story of alien teenagers (or Czecheslovakians, for FBI-avoidance) who happen to be those that crashed in the famous Roswell crash of '47. They incubated for 40-odd years, and came out of their pods when they were six. Now trying to make a covert living in the very town that would search them out, they must deal with everything normal teenagers must deal with, and a little more, like staying out of the way of the aforementioned FBI. At it's heart is a love story, between Max, the leader of the aliens, and Liz, a straight-A student who never dreamed her life would be exciting... and it's that story that inspired this site.

just because it's summer doesn't mean I have time off, given that I'm working all day, but I'll try to keep up with this better. One day this site might be really cool. Try the links page to see how others have expressed their obsession. . . or the cliques page to see how random I am (I mean how diverse I am. . .)

For all things current, check out my blogs (Aspire to the Stars I & II). . .Check out my fanfic in the fiction section! You'll also find a link to my fantasy novel, The Moonstone Chronicles. Please tell me what you think. Thanks!


08/20/03: Look at that. It's only been four months since I touched this site...well, here's the new layout I promised, also the site is progressing to php. Hopefully this will make it easier to update, not that there's really anything to update. I was inspired by the reruns of Roswell on Sci-Fi and the rewatching of the Pilot I did late at night on my old computer. Thank goodness I saved the episodes to disc. Sign the guestbook if you'd like to comment on the layout. I'd appreciate any feedback...and as you know, (Human) Development is finished, so now you can read all ten parts. Also let me know what you think of that.

04/27/03: Yes, I realize it's been close to forever since I did anything to this site. I hope to have a new layout sometime this year ;) I fixed the gallery and changed some links so hopefully everything works. In case you were wondering, (Human) Development is finished, check out the link on the fictionary page. If you've got an idea for the new site, please email me.

07/11/02: total revamping of the site. Finally got tired of the same old same old, only three or so months after it's over... I hope you like it. Sign the collective guestbook. Visit some of my other sites. I'm looking for pictures, always.


Disclaimer: Of course I don't own anything remotely related to Roswell, the characters, or the actors. But I still can dream.