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May 2, 2011


This song has been earworming around my head all day and now it has inspired a story snippet. Don't know where it will go, and of course it's fantasy. Just recording it here for motivation.

We were in uncharted territory now. The tales and fishwives said the witch could be found beyond the borders of the world, and we had passed the last marker of the great King's odyssey leagues ago. The fishwives also told us we were courting insanity by leaving what we knew, but finding a hypothetical witch was better than dying, so we walked off the edge of the map.

file under: music , writings

Something to think about

Everybody must know by now, that the name that has haunted America for a decade is gone and good riddance to him. I love that there were celebrations at Ground Zero and I hope that the survivors and relatives of lost ones can feel some closure. But there's a lot of sadness that such celebration happens. I'm relieved he's dead, and no one can dispute that he did horrible things that no one, American or not, deserved, but then I think, "someone died." Quite a few someones, really. That's not usually something to be happy about.

I'm conflicted, I suppose. Happy he's gone, but not liking that I'm happy. Maybe this will make life a little safer. Maybe some of the restrictions on travel will be eased. Maybe the troops will be able to come home sooner.

But maybe nothing will change. There are still crazy people out there, and there are plenty of other agitators in other places, and that also depresses me. But you can't live your life waiting for the sky to fall. So I'll rejoice that a bad man no longer can inspire hatred in his followers, and I'll hope for good things in the future.

file under: reallife , serious , thoughts