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Ring Thing

You occasionally hear the charge that FOTR is, in essence, "an action movie" dressed up in Middle Earth garb, and lost the epic scope of the books. There is also the opposite charge: that there isn't enough action in the film, that people got a bit restless in parts. *Any* truth to either?

Well, I don't think FotR is strictly an action movie; rather it's just trying to tell a story, which is, for the most part, action-filled. I think it did a pretty good job of keeping the "epicness" of the book, while explaining it to new fans. However, there are parts where you wish it would get a move on... although I noticed that more in the second and third books, not necessarily in the first movie.

I just wanted to see more Legolas, so of course, any scene that he's not in is too long.

I'm not really that shallow. I just appreciate a good portrayal of Elves.

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