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mind control and busted stuff

So I was just staring out the window, waiting for some cells, when I see this pigeon alight on the parking garage next door. So I stared at it and started thinking, come to me, little birdie and the like.

And wouldn't you know it, the bird didn't move an inch. It looked at me for a good long time though.

However, I started looking out the window in the first place because I had never seen the metrolink crossing closed so the train could go through.

And wouldn't you know it, the gates were going down at that instant.

So I guess I'm neutrally telepathic, eh?

I bought the LotR dvd today. And the Art of LotR. What a deal. Got free shipping and everything. Haven't seen my lovely digital content yet though. And my buying spree is not done yet, for I have to go back to Borders, where of course the two cds that I wanted to get at Target are on sale. There, instead of at Target. Grr. At least my dad is nice and drives me. Dave Matthews, here I come. I still need a dvd player though.

Won't it suck if I have to pay for parking? ew.

God I love this song. Kiss the Rain by Billie Meyers. I remember when I was going out with Chris and we started to have problems, I listened to this single for hours. I wrote out all lyrics. It was perfect for what was happening with us at that time.

I miss a boyfriend. I find it supremely ironic that this lab has only two guys, and they're both married. Why are there no cute scientists?

Geez, what a rant. I'll shut up now.

file under: muses , working


I'd be offended, but I don't know how much of a scientist I am anymore :-) Let me know what you want for your birthday, give me a little time, and it's yours.

Ok, alex, let me rephrase that... there are no cute scientists at work.

So you bought the DVD? Yay! Now you really need that player don't you.

Funny how sometimes things just work when you think about it. Are you really telepathic?

Hello. Can you hear me? Am I getting through to you? Hello. Is it late there? I hear laughter on the line. Are you sure you're there alone? Coz Im trying to explain. Something's wrong, you just dont sound the same. Why dont you go outside, kiss the rain, whenever you need me?

Kiss the rain whenever Im gone too long. If your lips feel youre thirsty. Kiss the rain and wait for the dawn

Keep in mind we're under the same sky. And the nights are empty for me as for you. If you feel you cant wait till morning, kiss the rain.

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