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I love John Mayer

Just got back from the John Mayer concert. OMB it was sooooo good. And I even got an autograph! And a picture of me smiling standing next to him as he signed a cd for me. lol. Never took me for a groupie, huh? I just wish I could have gone with someone. There were actually hundreds of cute guys there, but most of them were attached to a girl. Sigh.

I taped it, so I have a (sort of crappy) copy of what he sang. He sang some oldies but goodies, lol, but some new ones. I can't wait till he makes a new cd. They rereleased his first one, and I got that and a t-shirt.

For once, the song I wanted played got played, and was the last of the regular set. If you haven't gotten the John Mayer cd (room for squares) what's wrong with you? You must get it. Or at least download "3x5", which is my favorite song, I think. Except for "Love Song for No One" which is of course the anthem for my life.

Martin Sexton was the opener, he played acoustic guitar and was pretty good. Never heard of him before, but might want to check out the website now that I've heard him. This was his last night on JM's tour. He came back out later to do a song with JM.

Guster was next. How good are they! I'll have to get those cds now too. I liked everything they played. Too bad they didn't play the song that I really like of theirs (the only one I really know, anyway) "Two Points for Honesty." But I really enjoyed what they played, and the drummer was this whacky guy who played with his hands, not drumsticks. It was kind of cool, really.

And then John came out. He played for a good two hours. Three songs in his encore. All the songs I like. I am so happy.

I just wish I'd stayed a little longer afterwards. I happened to be parked on the side of the Fox where the stage door is, and there was a crowd gathered on the sidewalk when I went by, so I said what the hell and waited. It was probably about a half hour or so, and this B&D security guy came over to us and said JM wasn't going to sign anything and all of you who've been here before ought to know that when he's going to do a signing there's something organized. But hardly anyone left. I just figured, hey, he has to go to his tour bus sometime, might as well get a picture. he did eventually come out, and the B&D guys made us get in a single file line and get out the stuff we wanted him to sign. He couldn't pause for personal pics, but if you could get someone else to snap a pic while he was signing you could get one. So that's why I'll be smiling in the pic and he'll be looking down. Ah well. I stood next to a celebrity. I moved on to my car, and drove back by where he was, and he was still signing. I think if I'd stuck around I might have been able to get a more personal pic, but such is my life.

Did I ever mention how I wanted to be a rock star? I would love doing concerts like that. Don't think I'd ever make it to the following he has, though. Ah well. A girl can dream.

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My parents must have thought I was gone too long, though, cause when I pulled in the driveway, my dad pulled in just behind me. Admittedly, I did get a little lost on the way home, but it was kind of fun. I was listening to the tape of the concert. I had told them that there were two openers, and I didn't know how late I'd be, but when I pulled in at 1:25 am that must have been too late. My dad had been out cruising, and was going to go back to the area to see if my car was there. If it was and I wasn't in it they were going to call the police. They were especially worried cause there have been a couple of kidnappings recently. But he didn't get too far, and followed me home, lol. I love my parents.

So, anyone want to start a band? I already have a song written. And man, do I want to learn how to play guitar. Please teach me.

It's late. Good night. Palaam, mahal ko si John Mayer.

file under: music


Wow! That's great Cal! No wonder you weren't around when I was on :lol: Scan the pics! Scan the pics! Miss you :kiss:

Cal, posting again coz: Ang galing mong mag-Tagalog! Parang tunay

I know how to play the guitar a bit. A few years back I wrote it down as one of the things to do before I die. Now that's one less item on the list

John Mayer! John Mayer!

Does he look as good as he sounds? Does he look 'normal'? Dorky? Scruffy? Tired? Does he look like the type of artist who throws tantrums?

I am so stoked you got to watch him and get autographs. Then Lammy posts that she met Dom. Goodness, my friends keep on meeting stars I am glad you had a great time.

Umm, May? Am I supposed to know what "Ang galing mong mag-Tagalog! Parang tunay " means? Aside from the , anyway... lol, you must teach me! Along with the guitar lessons...

Oh my goodness, this was celeb sighting weekend! That was awesome Jen. You got to get a sig even though the security were being jerks. They always are.

I wanna see pics!

"Ang galing mong mag-Tagalog! Parang tunay"

The gist would be, "You're getting good at Tagalog! Spoken like a native!"

Not the literal translation of course, but the gist.

Jen, re the translation, Kit mainly got the gist of it

Re the guitar lessons, by the time we get to see each other, you'd know how to play it anyway :lol:

i love john mayer too, it's awesome you got his autograph. i saw him in concert early last year, he's pretty great huh? i dunno if you know but he's releasing a live dvd on feb 11th...keep listening to cool music!

john mayer is the most original star oiut there! hes not in it for the money! hes in it because he loves what he does! and that is why i think that his miuxiuc is as good as it is! it comes frome the heart and sinks right into yours!

JOHN MAYER FANS - I strongly advise that everyone takes a couple minutes out of your life to check out this awesome band - it will be well worth the click, I promise - http://www.nathanielsendeavors.com

hey i have a question ... is jm married? he has a daughter right? who's the mother? just hyper-curious. if someone knows could they email me the answer? i promise im just a harmless college frosh, nobody crazy. thank youuu!

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