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glimmers where the streets have no name

I really feel like I need more time in the day. I so want to write more of my novel and my friend gave me some good ideas for how to tie some things up in my Roswell story so I want to get into that too. And if ever there is time, hah! I'd try to write that elf-transformation story. Gaah. And I want to get to the fabric stores so I can see if anyone has dupioni silk in a silver-blue color so we don't have to special order it. It would be nice if I could just get some fabric and start sewing! I want to start on it while I still have that "ideal", when I know exactly what I want to do even if I'm not quite sure how I'm gonna get there, and while I'm still interested. Not that I think I'll be un-interested soon, given that my friends going to Comicon would probably be mad at me if I didn't finish the costume, but I know how easy it is for my interests to get buried under loads of real-life crap.

Did I ever tell you how much I love to sing? I thought it was wonderful how last weekend during the bike ride we were able to sing and yell as loud as we wanted, cause all that was around was corn. Or soybeans. There's one of my dreams for you, to get up on a good, acoustically perfect stage and sing my heart out with an orchestral accompaniment. Not necessarily in front of an audience, mind you. Just the stage. Here at work I bring my headphones so doing mini-preps aren't quite so boring, but I just have to hum, or something. It's hard not to sing quietly. God I miss theater.

I am no hero, oh, that's for sure... DMB rocks.

yeah, so, the title. glimmers of a Roswell story idea from my friend Deidre and that U2 song was playing. I read the best Rosfic last night (aside from my own, of course. Hey, no one ever said I was too modest.) It's called All You Wanted and it's by Kath7, not that that will help you or anything. Ask me and I'll send it to you.

file under: muses


Jen, once you do get to perform, don't forget to send me an invite aiight?

I love to sing too, but I don't like people watching me. I do well singing with a group though, eventhough my voice tends to overcome the others :lol: And yes, I do sing in tune :tongue:

My Roswell fic is good too! *lol* Just kidding.

Karaoke? Let's see what the other gals have to say. That would be fun.

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