Rings Thing
So much of The Fellowship of the Ring concerns the journeys of the main characters, whether it be quests for knowledge, duty, or self-discovery.
Do you think the characters (main and secondary) choose to go on these quests of their own free will, or are they compelled by fate and/or circumstances?
I think it's a mix. I think most of them chose to go on the quest... some were compelled. I don't like the idea of "fate is the only thing guiding our steps" but I also don't like the "I am the one entity responsible for what happens to me." I think there is a destiny for everything--everything happens for a reason--but we can do certain things to make things happen the way we want them to.
Short answer... but CsCl prep calls.
just for your info: I'm going to be 22 tomorrow. Go to Amazon.com (courtesy of the link at the bottom right of this page) and search for my wish list. "Jennifer Shew"
Thanks in advance, lol.
Jen, its already the 27th here so HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hugs and kisses and hope you find what you've been looking for for the past few months :eyebrows:
Posted by: May | August 26, 2002 7:21 PM
Have a fun bday hon! Hope you have a blast at the DMB.
Posted by: Lammy | August 26, 2002 11:07 PM