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Rings Thing

Rank the Fellowship in the order (best to worst) that you like them.

Explain why.

1. Legolas. Do I really need to say any more?

2. Aragorn. The manly type, oh yeah, and he's the hero king.

3. Frodo. He's cute, and he has to bear the Ring.

4. Gandalf. yeah, he's a wizard.

5. Merry. He seems slightly more intelligent than your average hobbit...

6. Boromir. Even though he died... he's still cool. And he's got a big horn.

7. Pippin. He might not know what he's talking about, but at least he's funny.

8. Sam. Not too fond of the obsequeious "Master Frodo" thing.

9. Gimli. I hate to say it, but I just don't like dwarfs. I must have elvish blood.

file under: lordoftherings


Yeah..Gimli's a little..hmm. I'm not a dwarfy person. In every book I always like the dwarves less than the humans. (Unless the dwarves add like comic relief)

Gimli would probably be at the bottom of my list too. Mine would go like this:










Its hard to rank the fellowship in the way of likes.

1) Frodo: Obviously the most important character of the book as the ring bearer. Noone carries the weight he does.

2) Sam: Probably the second most important character in the book. It is safe to say if there is no Sam the quest is utterly doomed to failure.

3) Gandalf: My personal favorite and most powerful of the fellowship. He does numerous things to save the fellowship including giving his life.

4) Aragorn is key as well. He must unite the peoples of middle-earth and go into battle to buy time for Frodo on his journy.

5) Legolas: His keen eye and skill with a bow proves quite useful to fend off orcs.

6) Gimli: His battle skills and the unlikely friendship he forms with Legolas is a key mixture to this very large formula.

7) Boromir: The tragic hero in the greatest sense. He fights well and his actual try to take the ring may have pushed the quest down the road it had to take.

8(t) Merry and Pippin while they provide no real advantage in the Fellowship itslef their deeds after it splits rove to be quite important.

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