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American Beauty

You know the part in American Beauty where the boy asks the girl if she wants to know the most beautiful thing he ever saw and he showed her this plastic bag fluttering in the wind amongst some leaves? Well, one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen (I'm hedging my bets here, hoping that my child will be the most beautiful thing I'll ever see), ironically enough, happened while listening to the American Beauty score in the winter of my junior year of college. I had just gotten out of a final, and it was snowing. It was the beautiful kind of snow that just floats down but covers the ground fully. The whole world was white, and going in perfect time to the music. American Beauty was scored by Thomas Newman, who also did Meet Joe Black and The Shawshank Redemption. I don't know what it was about that day, but it was just perfect, and the music was exactly the theme for it. I don't think I'll ever feel that much like crying at the beauty of nature. And I had just gotten out of a final, so that made it even better smile

and you're wondering why I tell you this at the beginning of October, right? Well, it would have been at the end of september if I had gotten my act together and told you earlier. But it;s just because I've been listening to the score. Some tv commercial reminded me of it. And speaking of commercials, has anyone else noticed that the music for car commercials (I mean like Toyota ads, etc, not the 'c'mon-down-ain't-we-got-a-deal-for-you ads) has gotten really good? I wonder if there's a place where you can find out how does that music. And call me weird, but I love the music in the Lowe's commercials.

Heh. Deep to vapid. Music defines my life.

file under: muses , music
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