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Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter

So I've really gotten into this series of books. Written by Laurell K Hamilton, I guess you'd say they're horror/sci-fi/fantasy, but whatever genre they are, the book that I'm reading, Obsidian Butterfly (it happens to be the 9th in the series, and man am I glad that I've got the 10th as well) not only has a cool name but gives me the shivers to boot. Any book that can send that thrill up and down my body goes straight to the top of my hot-damn-o-meter. And it's about vampires and shape-shifters and magic and is almost too gory. Thank God it's a book and not a movie. I seriously need to buy all the books.

tangent: sigh. I remember when books were three dollars each, even for the larger paperbacks. I bought these two at a drugstore, so they were discounted, but they're normally $7.50 each. Egad, when did printing 596 pages start to cost so much?

The funny thing is, I'll probably go out and buy all of them instead of waiting for them if I ordered them online. Besides, I'm weird and want them all to have the cover designed the same way. Yes, analness can have its price. Go buy the books anyway.

file under: books


You should come over here hun. Books are relatively cheaper. I think its because its subsidized by the government. Come to think of it, we probably don't have those books you're looking for :lol: Not yet anyway.

Damn spiffy site

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