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So I started the tenth book in the Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter series on monday night. I finished it last night at about 1:30 am. So that's two books since friday. Man, I couldn't get enough. I was just a little disappointed at the ending of the tenth book, but if I tell you why I'd ruin it for you. But damn, getting there was great. I don't know when the next book comes out and the website hasn't been updated for a while. I'll have to wait till paperback though. Did I tell you how much I detest buying hardcover books?

I bought the entire series so far last night. Now I have all ten smile We'll see how long it takes me to get through all of them.

See, this is why I started rereading the Lord of the Rings in September; I knew there would be other books occupying my time occasionally. This way I'll always have something to read smile

It was a good day at work. There were bands in my PCR. This is a good thing, smile and nod. And vote for my site! Come on, I'm in last place *sniff*

Good night, all... ce'arra *in case you're wondering, I want to write even more now cause Laurell K Hamilton lives in St. Louis. I want to be just like her smile Hope my writing gives people shivers like hers does to me.

file under: books


You do know that your writing scares me? :lol: It scares me to know that a friend of mine could actually have an imagination that powerful (i.e. the prophecy for TMC).

Don't forget the little people when you're famous!

Note to self: Look up Laurell K Hamilton and ask sister about her...at some point when not swamped with work.:lol:

I'm sure you'll be able to make it Jen I haven't quite finished reading TMC but so far, it's great.

And I know how it is with voracious reading:lol: I miss being able to do that. I'm almost finished Rhapsody (the first) but it's driving me crazy cause I have no time to read.

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