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Two months to the Two Towers

I know, I know, technically this was yesterday, I'm just running late today. TTT december 18! And the extended version dvd comes out in little under a month! I think I might hold off on pre-ordering it and just go to best buy and see if I can get those free tickets. I'd still see it midnight even if I did get free tix. I really need to buy something through the fan club though. I would totally buy the SE version if it were less expensive than amazon, but it's not. Sometimes retail is good. Although I didn't spend $100 just so I could get a card and a magazine...but I can't wait to see my name at the end of the credits! Hopefully some people in the lab will want to go. Would you believe that the other girl in the lab hasn't seen FotR yet? She's gonna borrow my vhs sometime, lol. See, I knew we should get both! Cause we still haven't gotten another dvd player. Someday, grasshopper.

btw, Decadence will live here: decadence in case you're curious to see the progress I've made. I know it's a bad idea to start something new and I'll probably never get around to finishing it, and if I finish them both before I'm eighty I will consider it an amazing accomplishment. Bug me and I might get to them before my student loans are paid off. Maybe they'll help me pay off my student loans. Wouldn't that be a kick? I could be another one of those yuppies who makes a living having nothing to do with that lovely piece of paper called a college diploma.

file under: lordoftherings


Jen, I really like it so far. Hmm, well, you haven't posted much, but you get my drift. :lol:

Someday you'll be a famous published writer and I'll go around bragging to everyone that I knew you way back when.

That makes two of us Punz :lol:

Make it three. Love it Jen. Sorry about mixing it up with Moonstone btw. *blush* Speaking of which, when will you update it?

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