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Rings Thing

With Viggo Mortensen's recent announcement that he will no longer be accepting fan mail after October 31, 2002, the question arises: How important is an actor's contact with fans to the (long-term) success of his/her movies? To his/her career? And, more specifically, how important is the contact the Fellowship actors have with their fans to the success of the Lord of the Rings movies?

Considering I've never written to a celebrity (however much I'd like to write to Orlando and get something personal back) it doesn't matter to me how much they come into contact. I seriously doubt that I'd ever meet Viggo or Orlando or anyone, for that matter, considering St. Louis isn't exactly the hotbed of actor activity, I think as long as they get out there and say hi occasionally, it's alright. I'm the type of person who can ignore things that I don't like about a person, like how Orli smokes and is a vegetarian. We would never get along smile I don't care if I never meet any of the fellowship; I mean, it would be a glorious thing, but it's not going to make me not see the movies if I can't see the actors. I'm not quite that obsessed.

file under: lordoftherings


he doesn't smoke anymore =D (recently announced in Teen People) you may have wrote that in an after blog but i like reading from the bottom to top, so I understand whats goin on.... yes I am wierd. lol. Like the site though =)

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