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Wrong for Wednesday

but you'll just have to deal. I couldn't do this yesterday.

Two for Tuesday

1. Tell us about your first time you ever kissed someone. Now please, you don't have to limit yourself, we wanna hear allllll about it. You know you want to tell everyone. To be honest, I don't really remember my first kiss. I guess it must have been with Scotty, and I think it was in my house, by the stairs. My frosh year of hs. We both had braces, I think. But he is and Aries and I'm a Virgo, so there was no way that was going to work out. I remember making out with Mark in the short fling, and that was cool...but a bit scary, considering he was muuuuuyyyy different than Scotty. Alt-rock vs. easy listening. And I remember kissing Chris in the park. Or maybe we didn't kiss...we just cuddled. But it still looked compromising when the nun walked by!

2. This one was sort of a toss up. So we'll leave it to your first job. (I'll leave the scandalous questions for later) We have all had those first jobs that we're not proud of, so it's time for everyone to fess up! The first real job must have been at Grone Cafeteria. Not Grone's, although Mr. Grone was my boss, just Grone. Wonderful biscuits and half-price for me. I worked the beverage counter, learned to make coffee and clean filters, for all the good it did me. Never made coffee again in my life. Occasionally worked the hot foods section, rarely the dessert/salad. Wasn't cool enough or math-minded enough to be cashier. Bussed tables once, but did get a tip. Never broke a cup or plate. Spilled plenty of hot coffee on the table, though. I don't have an exciting life. Which is why I write and read.

file under: reallife
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