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Amusing quotes that could have been in LotR

Movie Quotes That, Thank God, They Didn't Use (but are hilarious anyway.

Some of my favorites:

Legolas to Aragorn after gift-giving: "You know the difference between you and me? I make this look good."

-- Men In Black

Lurtz: "Who's in charge?"

Orc breeder: "I am."

(Lurtz strangles the breeder)

Lurtz: "Once again, who's in charge?"

Orc minion: "You are."

Lurtz: "Excellent."

- Passenger 57

Isildur to Sauron: "Hello! My name is Isildur. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

-- The Princess Bride

Boromir: "Why did it have to be a cave troll? I hate cave trolls."

-- Raiders Of The Lost Ark

Frodo: "We're the good guys. Why are we running?"

Aragorn: "We're not running. We're eluding."

- Rising Sun

Boromir: "My brother..."

Aragorn: "I have a brother? I HAVE A BROTHER!"

-- Robin Hood Prince Of Thieves

Aragorn (looking at the orcs outside Helm's Deep): "How many?"

Legolas: "6,000."

Aragorn: �6,000?�

Merry: (further away) "How many?"

Aragorn: "50!" (to Legolas) "He can't count anyway."

-- Robin Hood Prince Of Thieves

Orc to Gandalf: "I remember you! We killed you!"

- Robocop

Frodo looking in Galadriel's mirror: "What the hell am I looking at? When does this happen in the movie?"

- Spaceballs

Galadriel: "Do you guys like lembas?"

Legolas: "Yes."

Gimli: "No."

Legolas: "Yes."

Gimli: "No."

Legolas: "I love lembas, (looks at Gimli) and so do you."

Gimli: "Yes."

- Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

Legolas to Aragorn: "When nine hundred years old you reach, look as good you will not. Hmm?"

Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi

Aragorn at Helm's Deep: We've got company!"

Theoden: "Orcs?"

Legolas: "How many?"

Aragorn: "Uh, all of them, I think."

- Terminator 2: Judgement Day

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file under: lordoftherings


Fine to tell people to vote when you're over 18...MOO.

Lol! Funny indeed.... I love the "I have a brother?" part most esp.

Oh wait, I's confused now. Never mind me.

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