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Ben Folds and Duncan Sheik

I went to the Ben Folds concert on Sunday night. Alex told me about it, and I am very glad that he did. I really enjoyed both the acts. Duncan Sheik was the opener, he played for about an hour, acoustic guitar with somebody else playing electric as backup. Man, I wish I could play. He played the two songs that I know smile I will probably have to get his cds now. I know it won't be the same as a live show, but hey. Cool music anyway.

Ben Folds was hilarious. Solo piano playing isn't usually the typical comedy show, but he was so funny while he was playing. And he was good. At one time I was really good at piano, but that like so many other things has fallen by the wayside. I miss it. One day I'm gonna get back into it, and I'm gonna be able to sing while playing too smile He even had us sing along with some of his songs. I think I'll be going on a Ben Folds downloading spree here shortly. I only knew two of his songs, and only one got played, but I'm happy I went. And for the price you couldn't beat it. At least some things offered through my alma mater aren't horrendously overpriced.

Check 'em out, you'll probably like them too.

Lifehouse is coming to the same venue about a month from now. The only problem is that there are a few other acts coming with them that I'm not so keen on. We'll see. I've never seen them in concert, but I really like their songs, sooo...

Did you remember to vote for me today? This week? I love you for it! And doesn't someone want to get me out of the darn cellar (see previous post)? Anyone can do it. It doesn't have to be someone in the WQ. While you're there, vote for me! Thanks smile

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