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A month from now I will be seeing the Two Towers

...and still probably will not have made it through all the extra features of the Collector's Edition of LotR:FotR. God but it's good. And even better now that we have a DVD player smile aaaaahhhhh. We got a new tv and a dvd/vcr combo. So far the only bad thing is that the closed captioning is awkward to get to on the tv. That and the fact that I have to pay for half. ergh. Bigger speakers! Larger screen! Headphone jack for watching late at night! Too bad I only have four dvds, two of them being different versions of LotR: FotR smile

A month from a half an hour from now. at 12:01 am, to be precise. I can't wait. I finally got back into reading TTT, although I did break one of my rules and bought a hardback book by David Blaine, the musican. I just hope it's worth the money. Actually, I bought a couple of hardback books. Used, of course, so all just about the same price as paperback. I'll show my analness and tell you how I wanted the hardbacks of the Rhapsody trilogy. They've got certain printing features that the second and third books neglected to use in paperback, which actually takes away from the story. And I like having hardbacks to read (esp. since they're easier to read while brushing my hair. Hey, it's long, it takes a while!). I just hate buying them. It's silly to pay $25 for a book that, if it's important enough to come out in hardback, will be available at the library for free with a pretty minimal wait. I know, I'm addicted to books. Better than drugs, I guess.

Anyone know when the advance tickets go on sale for TTT? I can't believe I don't know this yet.

Don't forget to vote for me this week!

file under: lordoftherings


Im still looking for the second and third Rhapsody books. Stupid library. I wish I could buy books..

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