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Thanksgiving etcetera

Thanksgiving was good. LOTS of food. We were eating most of the time. Early mornings though. Almost worth it with the oatmeal. And the stuffing was good as always.

I shot my grandpa's hunting bow for a bit. I started off kind of wobbly...those compound bows are nothing to be scoffed at. I don't know how much poundage it took, but there was this cute little puller gizmo that saved your hands and made the release much smoother. I did manage to kill the pig in the first three shots, but I got better smile Mom said I was channeling Legolas. I laughed. It was embarrassing.

Thanksgiving day was Grandma's 75th birthday. And she's still very pretty. My uncle and aunt made a powerpoint presentation of memories of and feelings about her. It wasn't as sappy as it could have been. Did you know she wants to be an astronaut when she grows up? smile

Started a pattern for the silver frock. Luckily Grandma is a really good seamstress and she had some muslin so we didn't go about cutting into (and most likely screwing up) the pretty dupioni silk. Learned some nice things about sewing that will be put into good use, eventually.

Corey said she might be able to make the buckles for me, and the closures. I'd just have to pay for the silver. Or nickel. Or something. And Grandpa gave me an antler for the long knives. I'm much closer now smile course, I'd have to figure out how to make the knives...somehow I don't think they'd like it if I brought actual long knives into the convention...or live arrows...hmm.

Watched the Very Merry Muppets Christmas. Cute. You can never go wrong with the Muppets. Kermit is still the cutest frog.

Alex says I have to wait till Tuesday to see if the theater we want to see TTT at will have a midnight premiere. Well gosh darnit they better! I want my TTT! lol. Not obsessed. See, my coworker is leaving for Slovakia (christmas break, you know) on the 18th, so we *have* to see it at midnight so she has time to pack before her flight smile

I feel like there's more I wanted to say but I can't remember it. I'll try to have a sneak at Chapter Five of TMC up when I get to work. No promises, and it will be in caldir so you'd have to let me know if you want to read it.

Back into the semi-bigtime at the WQ, so please remember to vote for me this week...link is just after the post. Thanks!

file under: celebration


Word on the street is that Legolas' role is more prominent in TTT. Reason enough to see it more than FOTR! *lol*

yay, I got mentioned again! :-p

Glad to hear you're making important headway on the costume Jen! Me! Me! Sneak of Chapter Five!

Gollum seems to be stalking me today. Therefore, since I adamantly refuse to type out my comment a third time, you'll just have be psychic.

ps...five more votes for the DWA.

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