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It snowed for the first time this year last night. Pretty, wafty snow, only about an inch, not enough for sledding, but enough to make driving a pain. We nearly spun out twice, no big, but the curb was pretty darn close. It's supposed to snow all day, just lightly, so I probably won't be sledding tonight. But I did throw a snowball at my dad. smile

Phillip has never seen snow falling before. Silly Californian.

'Scuse me while I go look out a window. It's very nearly an American Beauty snow...

file under: muses


I scoff at your December first snow. Amateurs. It was snowing here in bleeding October. Plus it's much colder than last year.

Aww, but the first snow is always nicest

Silly Californian? *tongue* We get things like, the earth shaking. Beat that! *lol*

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