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TTT goodness! and other random goodies

So I got the TTT soundtrack on friday, the same day that I got an email telling me it had shipped. Fast service, I like it! Now, the street date was supposed to be the 10th, so I got it really early if that's still the case. Cool beans! It's very good. I've only listened to it about five times in three days...but it's got some really cool new stuff. I got the internet special edition so there's some bonus features that I haven't had time to check out yet, but will soon. Tell you all about it then!

I missed Dominic Monaghan's birthday yesterday (err, the 8th anyway) so happy 26th, Dom!

Ok, this is important. I moved up to the Apprentice's Challenge (again smile ) so I need you to vote for me everyday this week! Wouldn't it be nice to be in the Tower (the highest level of competition) during the week that LotR comes out? lol. Not obsessed am I smile

Oh, and in case you were thinking of getting me a gift and didn't see anything terribly interesting on my wishlist (see after the post) you could try going to TORn's Holiday Gift Guide for the Tolkien Fanatic and see if something suits your impression of me smile and thank you, Alex smile

Jem, I'll get right to work on that reader's guide for you. Yeah. I did some of your layout this weekend. I'll try to get it done soon. But I really need the title you want...it's part of the illustration, you know...

Please vote! Welcome to all my new supporters!

file under: competition , lordoftherings , music


you're welcome :-)

I was listening to the soundtrack all yesterday. *sigh* My favorite so far has to be Samwise the Brave. The cards are wonderful as well.

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