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Rings Thing

"Did you avoid spoilers for TTT? If so, why? If not, why?"

I didn't avoid much for TTT. I wanted to know what they were going to put in it. I watched every clip that I could, and at points I was worried that I was seeing too much, that I'd already seen what the movie would be like, but when I finally saw it I realized I hadn't seen much of it at all. And being that I had just finished the book...lol. the biggest spoiler of all. I knew what was supposed to happen. I just didn't know how it was going to be depicted on screen. And that was perfect.

btw, I've now seen the movie 4 times. Thank you Molly smile It's still damn good. I might have to wait a while to see it again, especially now that I've seen it four times in two weeks...I've got a popcorn bag and should be thoroughly sick of movie theater popcorn for some time now.

Irony: last night while walking to Molly's car I dropped the TTT soundtrack cd on the road and stepped on it. Rats. It's got a big scratch on it, and I'm listening to it right now to see if I killed it...of course it fell jelly side down. It's in rather good shape considering how it slid a bit and I mushed it into the ground. Ah well. If I need to I'll just get the regular version, lol...

Thank you to everyone who sent me a Christmas or New Years card. I've just been too lazy to fire up the other comp and make something for you guys, and we haven't had internet at work for the last few weeks. Maybe tomorrow. I miss all my 'day IM' friends...why don't you get on right now? lol. Hope I talk to you soon!

file under: lordoftherings
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