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One month after TTT, etc

So this time last month I was sitting in a theater watching The Two Towers for the first time at the midnight premiere. Now I'm listening to the soundtrack, which I just found out was almost ineligible for the Best Score Oscar cause it included themes from FotR. Silly Academy. It's over 88% original music! Sigh. I've seen TTT four times, and I think it's time to see it again...it's been over two weeks now...and tomorrow, wouldn't it be great if TTT wins some Golden Globes? I hope it wins...

The first track meet of the indoor season was today. Haven't heard how anyone did, hopefully well. I went to the mall to get something for Mom, and I shopped around a bit, mainly for boredom, and found some nice sweaters. Anyway, while I was shopping, I realized I didn't really have a need for anything, cause it's not like I had to dress up every weekend after a track meet. And it made me sad. I miss it. Oh, I don't miss the practices, but I miss the people. I miss being in shape. And whatever Alex might say, I am getting some poundage. I should take that tap-dance class if only to be doing something semi-athletic.

While at the mall I did one of those surveys they're forever pestering you about. This time I actually got to do something fun, and like I said, I was bored. Gave me something to do. So I got to watch the trailer for the second Lara Croft movie. Now, I saw the first when it came on cable. It's an ok movie, nice action, and I have to admit it's a nice change to see a female action heroine, even if she is heaving her amplified bosom too much for my taste. Just so you know, I've never played the game in any of its forms and I really had no clue they were going to make another one. This one looks interesting from what I saw of the trailer, and if asked I might go see it. Otherwise I'd probably just wait till it came out on cable. Makes you want to be an actress, though. Cool moves, nice costumes, exotic locales (or at least sets that look exotic)...although give me Middle Earth over the Middle East any day. Or Allehara. Just once I'd like to have a day like Jennifer Gardner or even Ms. Jolie.

So are you thoroughly confused now? I graduated with a major in biomedical engineering, and then I told you I wanted to be a writer or web designer (had you noticed either of those already?) And now I'm telling you I want to be an actress. Ah well. Dreams never hurt anybody.

Maybe someday. I've got a long time ahead, if it is right that He should think so smile

Oh, and I wrote more last night. Moonstone is coming together. Car'etol is cool. Intuition. Go check out the layout at aspire II, cause I'm proud of it. Good night.

file under: muses
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