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Rings Thing...a little late

**Of the characters who continued from FOTR, who did you think came off the best as a character, not necessarily as a performance) in TTT?

Did you think anyone got really short-changed?

Did you favorite character(s) change from FOTR to TTT?**

(see the rest of the Ringers... beware of popups)

Well, I do think they developed Aragorn's character more. And they gave Legolas more lines so I'm happy. He's no longer just the elf with the bow, he's got Skilz! I think Faramir did get (short)changed. Probably for the good, we'll have to wait till we see RotK. I don't like how he was portrayed but I understand the reasons that PJ and Co made the reversal in character. Legolas changed, of course...he got more screen-time! And he got that nice looking armor and the sword...man I can't wait till the extended version of TTT, where hopefully we'll see more of Ginsu Elf and perhaps more orc-killing action? lol.

So I'm working on this blend for the new layout of this site. I guess it looks pretty good. Trying out colorizing and things. But you'll have to wait for a while till I can get it online, as cleaning my room currently takes up all my time.

For any of you wanting to join the AATE clique: rest assured I got your submission, it's just gonna be a while cause I'm gonna make a new layout for that site as well. Yay, layout ideas! There's gotta be someone out there who wants to give me a web design job...maybe once I learn PHP...or not...

file under: lordoftherings , memes


Our loverly Legolas. I'm so happy with his role in TTT.

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