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Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Remember to wear your green. or you'll get a virtual pinch! If I wasn't so lazy I'd make a graphic for you, but alas, I am. I'd hoped to get a new layout up for this lovely holiday, but again, alas. Foiled. I'm attempting to make a portfolio site using php. Don't know if it works as cannot upload it yet...egad but I miss ethernet. How do you do rollovers in php if you're supposed to use absolute positioning? If you know, tell me. otherwise, smile and nod.

Hot Lips the Fish....yes, this past weekend for the St Patricks Day Parade, I had the honor of being a handler for the Hot Lips the Fish balloon with the track team from Wash U. It was odd being among old teammates and odder still to do it while holding onto ropes attached to a giant yellow fish. We even had mini workouts as the crowd shouted for us to "SPIN IT! SPIN IT!" apparently it's great fun to see these large balloons spinning about. I just worried about losing my hat. And what was funny was the people who asked the loudest happened to be the adults. Not so funny when you consider the fact that they're the ones who were drinking...

I have to say, in theory, this is one of my favorite holidays, just because you're supposed to wear green, and as you all know, that is my favorite color. Perhaps I should have been born Irish as now have a strong urge to learn Irish dance...Graham Academy of Irish Dance is somewhere in St Louis, so maybe I'll check that out. lol. That or get back into tap dance. I miss activity in my life so much.

file under: celebration


Wow, that sounds like a lot of fun. I often wonder what it would be like to be part of a parade. I'm glad that nobody tried to hit on you while there. But why wouldn't they!?

Jen, glad you had fun

My computer is down now so I won't be able to be online for a while. I'll write to you, ok?

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