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Movin' on up

I won in Lothlorien!

Thanks for moving me up, folks. I've been in the forests of Lorien for several weeks now, and I finally made it back into the challenge! Means a lot to me. Of course, the wonder of all wonders would be to actually make it into the Tower in two weeks...anyway. Thanks for all your support and be sure to keep voting!

You might have noticed a bit of a snafu in the site on thursday night/fri morning, but all is well. There was a directional mishap with the renewal email making it to my inbox, and the company didn't send a reminder which makes me just want to scream. Anyway, it's all taken care of and etoiline.com will last for another year...and you can be sure I'll get my renewal in on time!

There will be more content soon, really. Cause I'm sure you all want to know more about my life and my passions. Ha. Moll is inspiring.

file under: competition , webetcetera
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