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I start a new job tomorrow. I have to get up so much earlier than I've been getting up lately...it's almost like getting up for those track meets in college! haha. at least it's not 4:30 am. We went car shopping today, as we as a family are in need of a new car...otherwise we'd have three working people and two cars. As Jess pointed out, that doesn't add up. Found some nice new cars, but no purchase! lol. I might have to start taking the bus. Maybe even biking to the bus stop. Erm.

Dear God be nice to me with this new job. I'm nervous about going in and learning the new stuff...hopefully I'll be confident enough in my abilities that I can get through this. Who knows. I could have an effect on the world.

For the people who asked me anything: As far as I know, Samantha is Orlando Bloom's sister. Read Dreams to find out for sure. And I've been doing html since sophomore year of college, when I pressed the 'convert to html' button on one of those fill-in-the-blanks site makers. By accident or design, I'm not sure, but I did it, and realized I'd have to learn this newfangled html thing, and never looked back since. It lets me be creative and technical at the same time. I love it.

thanks for your prayers about the job sitch, guys. I know it helped. Keep your fingers crossed that it all goes ok!

Happy Mother's day to all to whom it applies smile

file under:


Good luck on the new job and finding a car!

Get a hybrid car, they're cooler. Or be environmetalist and take the metro (Stupid Societe de Transport de Montreal, hiking transit fees again. Stupidheads.)

Anyways congrats on the nw job, hope it's fun and they pay well and are nice to you

You have a new job!!!!!! YAY!! Let's celebrate! Bring the Coffee beans from Middle-Earth!!

Hon, you're going to do fine. I know you are. I love your new banner too.

Again, congrats on the new job! Hope everything works out OK. We want to hear how your first few days turned out, k?

i luv orlando bloom! He is my favorite person. I LOVE YOU ORLY! Maybe someday...

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