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Bonnie is back! Whoohoo! Go visit my sib. Sara is on hiatus but you can see her spiffy Coldplay layout at her blog. And it's not so new, but Moll is a genius.

what do you think, Matrix layout next? Take a break from the monotony of Orli? or perhaps John Mayer. Probably John Mayer. With lyrics from "3x5" and "Why Georgia." We'll see.

Egad but I hope we fix the computer. Else we're gonna have to lug up the old iMac and attempt to hook that up to the internet...

file under: webetcetera


thanks for the plug jennifer! i'm working on the new matrix reloaded layout for my domain so hopefully i'll be able to take m.org off haitus ... and yes- john mayer would be a lovely choice for a layout, he is quite a brilliant music artist.

Jen, the Matrix layout gets my vote But JM is cool too

i'm an avid john mayer fan...so i'd say john definetly. Why Georgia is one of my very favorites.

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