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It's always "almost" finished

I'm always amazed, and I shouldn't be, at the time it takes to make things detailed. I sewed the sleeves on the jerkin today, and theoretically all I have to do is perhaps put in a few more grommets and sew the hooks and eyes on...good Lord do you know how long that takes? Thank God I'm not trying to sew in leather.

Wish me luck.

And is it really so hard to understand that the "got a question" box above is for you to input a question to *ahem* ask me anything...by clicking the button to the side of it? I keep getting these blank emails from that button. It's like a kid discovering a light switch: the kid gets to flip the lever while the adults get peeved. Feel free to really ask a question though...

oh, and if you noticed the last entry...I was very very drunk at the time, and immensely proud that I didn't misspell anything.

file under: lordoftherings , webetcetera
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