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Go Me! Er. Thanks to you, of course.

I finally made it to 1000 for the Diamond Web Awards. Just thought you'd like to know. And feel free to increase that number smile Oh yeah, don't forget to hit the other vote link at the bottom of the post!

It really sucks when you don't write something down cause it seems so obvious to you when you wrote it down...then three weeks later you have no idea why you didn't write it down, cause it's been too long since you did the procedure...rats. But no worries. Got it all good.

Costume update: Aside from my analness, I'm done with the clothing for the costume. Now it's the props that are going to kill me...but as I've said before, I live for deadlines. Er. Yeah.

Since the last Pirates picture was so well received I had to go get some more...for your droolworthy pleasure (unless you're a guy, and then, I'm sorry, but hey, you get Keira Knightley!) I'm very excited about this! 7 days! whoohoo smile

wet will turner


he's a hunk

file under: art


Yay Jen! (Hey, you're not anal, you're detail-oriented *lol*)

Oooh cannot wait for PotC. Arr, it's a pirate's life for me.

heh, i'm still thinking about that picture of shirtless orlando =3 and congrats for all the votes!

I like the pics. I hope I'm here when it comes out!

AAAAAAAHhhhhh!!!! Wet Orlando!!! He is going to hunt me in my dreams!!! How dare you show this drooling picture Jenifer!!! *lol*

That's my face when I saw that last Orlando pic. He's looking at her! Oh to have Legolas look at me like that. Yes, Legolas not Orlando.

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