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for whoever asked about it...

whats the name of the girl Orlando is supposedly dating? and do you agree its just a rumor?~hoping in New York

yay, someone actually used the 'ask me anything function! lol. Anyway. The answer to your question is Kate Bosworth, one of the actresses in the movie Blue Crush, which I haven't seen. It might be a rumor, it might not...some reputable magazines have reported them together but still others restate his claim that he doesn't have time for anyone. Personally I don't really care if Orlando is going out with anyone anyway, because a) it's highly unlikely that I'll ever meet him and b) also highly unlikely that he'd like me anyway because he prefers blonds, so I will go ahead and have my crush on him anyway and ignore those silly little caveats.

Bonnie has a new layout smile I really need to make a new one! Probably after Comic-Con. I swear I have a great idea, really. It's just getting around to doing it...ah, procrastination.

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I think I've finally fixed Leggylulu and am in love with him once again. So he should be ready for our trip.

As for the Kate thing, well I have theories that sound very accurate.

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