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Help, please

Please Vote for this site! I'm at a really high level of competition and up against a wonderful opponent. I can use all the help I can get! Thank you oh so much smile I'll have to make a graphic giftie for all my supporters. I hope I can!

Eeggh! Gotta get tickets for PotC smile I think we're going to see the preview show on tuesday, as long as they still have tickets...gotta get some feathers for fletching, check on the money issue...finish the gosh darn quiver...and think up a masquerade skit! Anyone know where I can find the songs Lego sings (what book they're in?)

a funny joke from this article in the NY Times:

What kind of movies do pirates like best?

The ones that are rated Aarr!

Here they come...hmmm.

Here they come!

file under: competition
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