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The Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter Update: I'm on page 101. As usual I have nothing to do today but read, so perhaps at the end of the day you'll have an example of my speed-reading prowess. or not.

There's a new tech that came today...he's supposed to work with Luigi, but Luigi isn't here, remember? This guy (Jesse) drove all the way down from Vermont to do some research over the summer, and now his guy isn't even here...he goes to Dartmouth. Ooooh. Ivy League.

Costume check:

Clothing. (Mostly) Done, will have to do if I run out of time.

Vambraces. Done.

Leg Wraps. Done.

Shoulder straps for quiver. Tooled. One needs staining. Attach buckles.

Belt. Needs tooling. Attach buckles.

Quiver. Peacock painted. Knife case made, needs attaching. Straps!!!

Arrows. Shafts painted, need fletching and cutting to size.

Knives. Hafts need cutting, rasping. Cut "blades" and cover with silver tape.

Cape. Done; needs holes for quiver straps.

Pin. Baked, needs pin back.

*ah shit moment*

Ok now. I'll finish if it kills me. Darn work taking time away from my fantasy.

Box Office Guru (courtesy of Y98 FM) gave PotC three reels out of four. Everybody likes it!

file under: lordoftherings
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