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Summer Sickness

Around Thursday afternoon sometime I realized my throat was a little raw. So even though I'd had a pretty big lunch I had some clam chowder I'd brought along, and that made it better...but then Friday came along and I definitely had a sore throat. Saturday I was coughing too, although not so much that I annoyed fellow movie-goers as I finally got my parents to see Pirates with me. Sigh. Today I had a stuffy nose. Still do as a matter of fact. Wish it weren't so. Silly sicknesses. I don't know if this is some bug I picked up at work, a bug my dad picked up at his work (he's not sick but a coworker is), a bug I picked up at Comic-Con (probably the most likely) but whatever it is it sucks. As I said, I saw Pirates for the third time, so the weekend wasn't a complete bust...finally got my copy of the soundtrack as well, so that was nice music to work with during my next attempt at a Will Turner portrait, based on this picture (which I'll attempt to scan sometime when it's finished...need to find a scanner that works with this old a version of Mac OS) and played a little bit of guitar. Badly, realize. Still very much learning. One of these days.

Since I've got a slight fever of 100, I'm heading to bed shortly even though it's only 11 pm. I hate being sick. Really. I also hate spam. No spam! It sucks! Goodnight...and don't forget to comment on the layout! What do you think of the first Orlando-less design?

file under: art , serious


Hope you get well soon And I love the costume!

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