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I will remember you

better if you vote for me. lol. seriously. Back in the Challenge again at TWQ, and I'd really appreciate your vote. Tough competition this week, so I need all the help I can get. Just once I'd like to make it to the Tower on my own steam...of course, I'd take it any way I can get it wink

The etoiline.com network is in the middle of the first month of passing 1 GB in bandwidth. Yay! People are visiting. Please go visit my hostees, which is where most of the traffic is going to...course, that's why they're there. Feel free to promote, lol.

For some reason 54 people visited Aspire II last wednesday and I'm at a bit of a loss as to why. Was it because I posted the lyrics to the new John Mayer song? Eh. At least they came. Not one of them left a comment. Pah. Any ideas?

and because it was asked: When will I get a boyfriend? Honey, I am so not the person to ask about this. I haven't had a boyfriend since high school so I'm definitely asking myself the same question. Of course, if you really need an answer, I recommend your nearest Magic 8 ball. It's as good an answer about destiny as you're going to get wink

file under: competition
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