I know what would make me happy
Blades by Brown Cutlery: Legolas' White Knives Damn but I want these. It's not like I would do anything with them and I have no way or place to display them, but it's the principle of the thing, you know? Course, I also want Narsil and Arwen's sword...guess what the likelyhood of either of those happening is.
Wish Happy Birthday to John Howe (LotR Concept Artist), Alan Lee (LotR Concept Artist) and John Noble (LotR Actor), who all had birthdays this week. So did Jess Stra, if I'm not mistaken. Happy 22nd, Jess! (Remember, my bday is next week why don't you check out my Amazon wishlist?) Check out this article on LotR archery-ness: Films add a string to archer's bow. Yay for natural archers! I consider myself one
More random LotR news: Pre-release sales of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers have broken all records at Amazon. The internet retailer says over 50,000 pre-orders have been taken ahead of the video and DVD's UK release on Tuesday, August 26. Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets was the previous record-holder, with 40,000 pre-orders in April. (Thanks to TORn)
Today I designed and made a totally new layout for the gallery but I forgot about gif-ness so it's a little wonky. I'm quite proud of it nonetheless...you can take a look but I'd probably rather you wait a bit. lol.
Back to voting I go...
wow jennifer- you are up to date on the LoTR birthday thing! last night i was thinking about you when i watched FoTR with some friends, but we only watched the parts with Legolas in them. heh, and we watched them more then one time too.
Posted by: sara | August 22, 2003 9:53 PM