An Amazing Performance
What a way to spend a birthday. I mentioned yesterday how my uncle might not be able to use his front row tickets to the Lion King playing at the Fox. Well, the reason for that was because my uncle's father-in-law's daughter had a heart attack. She was only 46 and had no history of heart disease or the other risk factors. I came back to the lab after doing some running around for Luigi and had an odd message waiting for me...the woman had died, and my uncle was definitely not going to be able to use the tickets as they were heading down to be with the father-in-law's family. Now, it may sound callous, but I didn't know this person even though I've probably spent at least a few Christmases with her...Alas. My sincere sympathy and thanks that you died. Agh. Sounds horrible...but once I sat in the darkened theater waiting for the really cool opening curtain to go up, I had to thank God. Remember how I'd said just once I'd like to be able to go up to the front without having to fight for it? Well, here it was. We were front row slightly left of center, on the aisle...we literally got brushed by some elephants and wildebeest, and some bird puppets (I want one of those)...we were close enough to see the makeup and all the fine details. Wow. The opening Circle of Life sequence made me tear up. Seriously. What's funny is the Lion King cartoon was the only movie I ever cried at (when Mufasa died...:sad: ) and now the musical. It was just so magical and harmonious and they were right there. The songs were very well sung, and I loved the puppets. There was shadow play like traditional chinese theater shows, which delighted my mother (my dad elected not to try to go, as we only had two tickets and he would have had to sit in the way back for half the show). The puppets were amazing. Instead of covering up the actors' faces, they were headpieces or part of a costume so you could still see the expressions.
All the emotions of the movie were there, with that added kick that live shows get. I liked the new songs on the whole. The scenery was spare but gave the impression of the lush jungle with just a few well-placed props. Gorgeous lighting and special effects. A simulated drought,
(and now we pause for a random question. If drought sounds like 'drout,' why doesn't draught sound like 'draut?' Or trough 'trou?' That bothers me because I remember reading 'draught' when I was little and thinking of drought and going, oh yeah, I know how to say this. Now back to your regularly scheduled gushing post.)
There's much more where this came from...and birthday gifties!
rainstorms, nearly-nekkid guys playing Some great acrobatic dancing. We were seated near one of the two drummers situated on either side of the stage, so we really got the percussion...and we could practically see into the orchestra. Wonderful sound.
After we had found our seats this old couple came to sit in the row behind us, and the woman said, "Let me see if I can see...oh, this one's got a lot of hair..." I don't think she was talking to me as I believe she ended up sitting behind me, but I thought it was funny how she didn't seem to notice that everyone in front of her could hear her...
My mom said she didn't want the curtain to come down. And it's true. It was a spectacular show. There'll be one extra ticket if we give ours to my uncle, but my mom said that they hadn't even really wanted to see this show, so maybe the three of us family will see it. My dad doesn't think he'd want to see it, but I think he'd appreciate the production. Who knows.
Maybe we'll go to Macaroni Grill tonight, but late last night when we got home we had Strawberry Cream pie...oh, thank you Sara Lee
I have to remind my mother to give me that Legolas statuette that she bought me over the summer. lol. TTT and a statuette...what more could a girl ask for! Aside from a LotR-loving boyfriend, of course
If you get a chance to see the Lion King I highly recommend it. It's worth the money. Failing that, try the soundtrack and get a taste.
Thanks for all your birthday wishes! Look at these:
From Jem
From Kate.
Thanks! I wanna go home and watch TTT again
happy birthday jen. i love the site. and etoiline is the bestest word ever created!
Posted by: sally | August 29, 2003 12:47 AM
Happy Birthday hun! My official greetings for you at my LJ and your birthday thread at the OB board Glad you had fun :kiss:
Posted by: May | August 29, 2003 1:03 AM