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I believe

that my life's gonna see

the love I give

returned to me

Courtesy of John Mayer. I just love this song. It's probably the best song lyrics-wise on the new album. I think this is true. Someday I'm gonna get back all I put into life, just like Emerson said. We get out of life only what we put into it.

and you won't be the first

no, you won't be the first

to love me

isn't it strange how everyone has that 'first love' and no one can ever make you forget that. Even today I wonder where he is and what he's doing and if he thinks of me. And even if he's alive. He was in the army reserves and I wonder if he was sent to the middle east. all his emails bounce. And I wonder if I'll be able to keep myself from comparing any other guy to his admittedly rather low standards.

and if you never stop when you wave goodbye

you just might find if you give it time

you will wave hello again

things just keep coming back. Today was the 150th anniversary of Washington University in St. Louis. Yay alumni. I got a keychain and a bookmark and free ice cream. Go Ted Drewes (It's a StL thing). It seems like whenever I leave a place they get money for renovations or new equipment...I should just sell my services. Take me into your institution and let me stay for a while...when I leave you'll get an endowment! From someone else of course. Anyway, they started working on the library to make it more modern and better suited to the campus...and they added a new lab sciences building the the very annoying new biomedical engineering building, Uncas A Whittaker hall. Poor Uncas. What were his parents thinking? That building was finished the December after I graduated. But there were still the classic buildings full of memories and horrors (eek! Louderman! Yay, Graham Chapel!) And there was Magic Mark Wrighton, the chemical chancellor wink Yes, an egg can fit in a flask, and you can break a rose into a million tiny pieces and hammer rubber through foam core. And Taiko drums are some of the coolest things ever. I should learn the drums. Of course, as Alex stated, I ought to stick to one instrument at a time given my propensity for long learning curves...and Leo and I looked at another apartment. I wish the process was faster. I wish we had unlimited funds. I hope we find one soon. Or at least one for Leo...

in airports you see it all the time

where someone's last goodbye

blends in with someone's sigh

cause someone's coming home

in hand a single rose

and that's the way this wheel keeps working now

that's the way this wheel keeps working now

We're seeing the Lion King again on Tuesday. The Circle of Life indeed. And in two weeks we'll finally learn why Sydney is in Hong Kong two years after she disappeared...

and now I'll sleep.

I'll be around the bend

I'll be around the bend

I'll be around

that's the way this wheel keeps working now

file under: muses , music
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