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Autumnal Equinox

Fall begins this afternoon at 5:45 pm. It's such a pretty day. Too bad I'll be inside working on an extremely long ELISA all day. I'll probably have to stay late again. Ah well.

Semi-peevish thing of the moment: they installed a gate on the parking lot that I park in at work. It took them quite a long time and then for at least two weeks (probably longer, I can't remember the exact date they went in) the gates were up and you didn't have to swipe your id to get into the lot. Yesterday they had them down and a transportation guy was watching to make sure people's ids worked to open the gate. Mine worked just fine, but it's a PAIN to have to stop and swipe and wait for the gate. It backed up traffic both ways. And of course you have to swipe to get out as well. Apparently having permits displayed in your car wasn't enough to discourage free parkers, so they needed the gates...but it's a bad idea, imo. And today they were open. Weird. Maybe they got too many complaints. Wouldn't that be nice.

I'm already hungry. Geez. Haven't been here a half hour yet. And the day stretches long before me...

hopefully today we'll hear about the apartment and it will be good news. Keep your fingers crossed. And here's mention about Leona who loves to see the apartment noted in the blog smile luff you!

file under: rants
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