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The Realm is all around you

I am pleased to announce that the realm of calenhíril is completely finished! Well. All images work, the clique is up and running, the site has been nominated for some awards...so go visit. Join the clique. It's quite easy now wink

Someone asked me What did Gimli say to Haldir when he said "ishkhakwi ai durug nul"? Was that an insult of some kind? and I'll say, I believe that it was supposed to be an insult in dwarvish but I don't think there ever was any meaning to it. I remember the clip in one of the fotr SE archives or commentaries where John Rhys-Davies was talking about that part and how much trouble he had saying it...and how it didn't mean anything. Eh. Who knows. I'd have to watch FotR SE again wink

Someone else asked me my name, but unless you mean who I am, I can't help you there...unless of course you were looking for your elvish name, in which case I would direct you to BarrowDowns. Yet another person asked, will i find HIM? and to that I say, dear God I hope so. Of course, that means I have to find "him" as well. Come on, someone out there is tall dark handsome and elvish. And whoever asked simply 3x5 would just get that it is my favorite John Mayer song and everyone should go to my stupid mouth and see if anyone's got a live version available.

Go visit the realm. And for all those interested...I finished chapter six of The Moonstone Chronicles. If you've been reading it, you know what to do. If you haven't, go read it and if you feel the need to read farther than chapter four, contact me to get the password...

Still haven't heard about the apartment. Sigh. Ah well. Going home now...

file under: lordoftherings , webetcetera
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