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You probably noticed

that this page was missing most of the day. Or maybe you didn't, because this is your first visit to etoiline.com...in which case, welcome. Anyway, those of you who got to see the entire ugly structure behind the facade, I'm sorry. Most of you know that when you visit etoiline.com you're actually visiting etoiline.com/index.html. For some unknown reason, index.html and all single files not in a directory were deleted on my account (versus files in the Realm, which are in a different directory: etoiline.com/realm/index.php). I'm guessing it had something to do with my ftp being wonky earlier in the day, but luckily my host has archiving capability and I made use of it about three weeks ago. So yes, I'll lose some stuff, but luckily the whole site was not deleted. They are taking quite the sweet time to restore the archive, however. I hope they'll hurry up. I had to manually insert this index.html page...no big deal as the lovely blog is powered by greymatter and most of it's in another directory...but some of the links might be broken. If you find one, please please let me know, because I don't have an accurate list of files that are supposed to be on the server. Anyway. Go visit one of my other sites if this bores you wink or go read moonstone and give me feedback!

file under: webetcetera



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