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I'm so tired of being alone

Since Leo and Alex so ardently demanded it, here's another entry about my not-so-exciting life...

I was reading the september issue of Glamour (yes, I do subscribe to Glamour and yes, I realize I'm behind in my magazine reading) and they have a feature called 'term of the month.' This particular issue's term was 'mandemonium,' or the glut of dates one might get after a long drought. Now, I have to say I cannot relate to this term at all. It's been years since I've had a proper date, and as they said, my social calendar is so empty, not even weeds can grow there. Meh. Then later in the evening after Smallville and Angel were over, I was like, what do I do with myself?

I couldn't go food shopping because of the grocery worker's strike...all the stores close at 8 or 9. How did I fill the time in college? I never recalled feeling such ennui before...eh. I need to get out more. I looked at the St Louis branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism today...they have meetings on thursday nights. Why is everything on thursday nights? TV, meetings...my mom thinks I'm too obsessed with tv. I guess I am, there's something on every night but Saturday that I want to watch. Sunday is the worst, with American Dreams and Tarzan opposite Cold Case and Alias respectively...and I like all four. I'm considering dropping AD because it's a little less to my taste, but that still leaves tarzan on opposite alias and I'm most definitely not dropping alias. I have found a place where I might be able to get them, but I might have to resort to tape trading for tarzan. bleah. why can't the tv schedule work out so I can see everything? *whine*

I need margarine. I couldn't make mac n cheese because we had not that basic staple. I totally understand the reasons for the grocery worker's strike, and I don't want to cross the picket line, but jeez. It's been over a week now. I miss being able to go to the market at midnight like I did in college. And it takes some remembering that there isn't the millbrook market just across the way. Ah well. I'll muddle through somehow. I really have to go shopping tomorrow though, cause I have nothing for dinner. But luckily I get off early tomorrow because of the couple of late nights I had at work last week. Yay. Maybe I'll even get to take a run or bike ride in the park. I really should.

I'm so tired of being alone, so hurry up and get here Thank you John Mayer. It's so true. Maybe the 'rents and I will get to Eckert's Apple Orchards this weekend and pick some nice apples and have ourselves an apple pie. Something to look forward to, at least. Sorry for the ramble.

file under: miscellany
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