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Call me crazy, but...

I really want these. Yes, I know they're daggers, yes I know they're replicas of a fictional character's weapons, yes I realize they're expensive. However, I'm most likely not going to buy them unless I somehow come into a lot of money (unlikely) so you can all breathe a sigh of relief. This place also sells a somewhat movie-similar Galadhrim bow, which would also be cool. Sigh. Computer first. Make money. Then cool stuff. I hate waiting.

Luigi told me he thinks I should go to med school. Let's hope that my grades could hold up with nice recommendtions with the boss. Also said I should get a raise next month, as they're very happy with me and I'll have been there for six months. whoo!

file under: working


Yay for raises!

I think you should make someone buy you the daggers for your next birthday.

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