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Do I want to be a doctor?

Luigi suggested I look into medical school. So I did. It sure would be nice to say "Hi. I'm Dr. Shew" someday (although I always thought that sounded sort of strange). When I was little I was sure I was gonn amake it to the highest degree I could. I never knew how much work it would be.

And then we come to the main reason I didn't apply to medical school: I did not take any organic chemistry classes. I was so thankful that orgo wasn't required for biomedical engineering students...and honestly I don't know where I would have fit it in. But I believe every medical school out there requires it for admission. And a year (or 8 credits) no less...which means I couldn't even get it over with in a summer. I knew I should have taken a class this fall...although I don't know if orgo was available in the evenings. meh.

It's not like I would have to get it done as soon as possible...I won't even be applying until next fall if even that soon. But I find it extremely ironic that the class I was so glad I didn't have to take may now keep me from trying for med school. Because honestly, med school is looking much more attractive than grad school. I don't know if I can see myself as a PhD. You make more money as a doctor anyway...and less of a chance of having to write a thesis. That thesis part really scares me.

As does the thought of all the memorization that's required in both orgo and med school. I wonder if I'd be like the med students on 'er' who go gangbusters for a while then drop off the show because they couldn't hack it. Yep, scared of the future. Why do you think I procrastinate so much? I'm futurephobic.

Sigh. Anyone out there take orgo? Any hints or tips? The word just scares me too. I'm a wimp when I think about going back to school.

random thought: I was always one of the young ones in school because of where my birthday fell. But if I go back to school now I'll be one of the old ones. Hmm.

file under: reallife
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