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ridiculous ways to spend money

I would join Friends of Josh Groban if I wasn't such a cheapskate. Er. I mean, if I didn't have to pay for rent, the car inspection, new tires, license renewal, the heinous first phone bill, and getting ready for the halloween/housewarming party we're having on saturday. Meh. Perhaps I'll join when I know that I'll have enough money to last the rest of the month. One of these days I should join the John Mayer fan club as I really do like him...not that I don't like Josh Groban. I've absolutely fallen in love with his new single 'Oceano' (you can listen to it at joshgroban.com), it's just the most wonderful thing ever. Excepting the LotR soundtracks, of course. I keep waiting for the information about pre-ordering the special edition soundtrack to come out...just like I'm waiting for the RotK calendar info to come out. Silly people, don't they know we're impatient?

Matrix Revolutions comes out next week, which is exciting. And soon after that the extended edition of TTT comes out. I really need to get a dvd player. Or a computer with a dvd player. And call me crazy, but I want to get an iBook with the Panther OS X. And it's that sort of thing where theoretically I have the money for all these things, but what happens if something comes up down the road? I mean, I was even responsible and turned down a premiere screening of RotK out in california because it would cost about a thousand bucks. A little more than a computer. Meh. And I still don't have the computer.

I love special edition soundtracks or cds, but it's that extra $10 that I hate. I'll still end up buying them, and most likely online because there are super-special editions only available online, and possibly like last year I'll get the RotK soundtrack a few days before it was released. Erm. Someone could always be nice and provide me with a gift certificate or two...

and in a little over a month the Pirates of the Caribbean dvd comes out. Sheesh. Hollywood just keeps coming up with ways to part me from my money, most of it hard-earned.

Another random note: while I'm glad the concept of streaming music was invented, now I REALLY want this Oceano song. Sigh.

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