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Josh Groban has the greatest voice. wow. I finally got his new cd today...had to leave work and stick around the apartment around lunch time so I could sign for the package, due to the fact that we don't have a publically accessible entryway to the apartment. Who knew they were going to send it Airborne Express? sigh. It came yesterday just as it was supposed to but of course the guy couldn't leave it outside. So now I have the address for work and if I get anything else like that I can have it there. Or keep sending it to my parents...see, there's something to be said for living near the folks. Unfortunately they couldn't reroute the cd to work or parents without delaying it because both those places are in separarate office areas...phoo. Anyway, got it and am happy. Although it's a little odd listening to JG's cover of Linkin Park's My December.

I think my favorite, aside from the aforementioned Oceano is Remember When it Rained, very pretty stuff. He plays the piano on that one...and wouldn't you know it, I'm thinking about getting a keyboard. Mom thinks we should sell the old upright piano at home (since it's taking up space and I'm not there to play it, and there's no way we could get it up to the apartment without wildly whacking it out of tune) and using that money to buy a keyboard. Hmm. Perhaps. Keyboards just aren't the same, though. Ah well. See the thing is, if I had a keyboard it would be a lot easier to just mess around on than this guitar...are you sick of me talking about how I'm going to learn guitar someday? I swear I will sometime.

And a happy birthday to Craig Parker (Haldir in the LotR movies). He's 33.

I have to figure out what to get my mother for her 50th birthday. Any suggestions? Please comment.

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