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Allergies suck

I guess it was from being in the animal house yesterday working with the rats, but I was alllergic to something I encountered yesterday. My eyes are all swollen and I have the occasionally runny nose. It was really bad before I tried to sleep last night...even went to bed early but I think I got less sleep than I normally do because it hurt even when I closed my eyes. Yeah. That sandpaper feeling? Right here. And now I know how John Rhys-Davies felt with that prosthetic makeup hurting his facial skin...the skin around my eyes is all tender. I don't know why, if this current attack is from working with the rats, it hasn't come up before this. I mean, I've worked with the rats for longer times than yesterday...although I did have to do it twice...maybe it was because it was hot in there? Eh. I dunno. I probably shouldn't have driven to work today. And actually Pablo, the dude I'm working with (running the experiment, natch) isn't here, cause he's got the same thing I do only worse, I suppose. Rats. In any sense of the word.

I can't believe I didn't mark the one-month countdown to RotK when it happened two days ago. Exciting, no? I'm still worried about getting tickets to *some* midnight premiere. I wonder when the Esquire will get their act together and start selling tickets! As I recall they weren't sure about a midnight premiere until around a week beforehand...I sure would like to know before then this time. Silly I know, but I would love to see all three of the movies in the same theater at the same kind of premiere...

The song for the RotK credits sounds pretty good. It's called Into the West and it's sung by Annie Lennox. Which originally sounded odd to me, but I really like some of her stuff and this particular song seems to fit really well. I'd love to get the soundtrack right now...I'll probably wait until I can get the special edition or even the internet special edition, if lordoftherings-soundtrack.com would ever get updated. Silly people. I want my stuff!

Posted this at the other blog, but it's a taste of what I'd love to work on...Dr. Koop-Healing Your Own Heart Valves

file under: lordoftherings , working
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